What is synonyms for such as

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such as

/sʌtʃ əz/

Used to introduce an example or examples of something mentioned.

Synonyms of such as


Strongest matches:

- for example

- for instance

- like

Weak matches:

- including

- namely

- in particular

- as an example

- to illustrate


except for, excluding, apart from, other than

Usage examples:

1. Many factors contribute to climate change, such as deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and industrial pollution.

2. Our company offers a range of employee benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

3. I enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, and kayaking, especially during the summer months.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some alternative phrases to 'such as' that can be used in writing?

Several phrases can be used as alternatives to 'such as': 'for example,' 'including,' 'namely,' and 'like.'

Is it appropriate to use 'like' in formal writing as a synonym for 'such as'?

While 'like' can be used informally as a synonym for 'such as,' it's generally more appropriate to use 'such as,' 'for example,' or 'including' in formal writing contexts to introduce examples.

Can 'e.g.,' be used interchangeably with 'such as,' and what does it mean?

Yes, 'e.g.,' can be used interchangeably with 'such as.' It stands for the Latin phrase 'exempli gratia,' meaning 'for example.' It's used to introduce one or more examples, but not an exhaustive list.

In what context should 'namely' be used instead of 'such as'?

'Namely' is used when you want to specify or detail something mentioned previously. It's more precise than 'such as,' which is generally used to introduce a non-exhaustive list of examples. Use 'namely' when the list that follows is meant to be exhaustive or when providing a precise elaboration.