What is synonyms for intersectionality

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A framework for understanding how aspects of a person's social and political identities combine to create different modes of discrimination and privilege.

Synonyms of intersectionality


Strongest matches:

- interconnectedness

- overlapping identities

- intersection of identities

- cross-sectional analysis

- multi-dimensional approach

Weak matches:

- diversity framework

- social complexity

- identity interplay

- multiple perspectives

- inclusive approach


uniformity, homogeneity, similarity, sameness

Usage examples:

1. The concept of intersectionality helps us understand how various forms of discrimination, such as race, gender, and class, intersect and impact individuals' lives.

2. In her research, she explores intersectionality to highlight the unique challenges faced by women of color in the workplace.

3. The discussion on intersectionality emphasized the importance of considering multiple identities when addressing social justice issues.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a simpler synonym for 'intersectionality' that can be used in everyday conversation?

A simpler term that captures the essence of 'intersectionality' is 'convergence.' It refers to the way different aspects of a person's identity or background come together and interact.

Is there a professional or academic synonym for 'intersectionality' that maintains its complexity?

Yes, 'multidimensionality' is a term often used in academic and professional settings. It emphasizes the complex, layered nature of identities and experiences, similar to 'intersectionality.'

What synonym can I use for 'intersectionality' in discussions about social justice and advocacy?

'Interconnectedness' is a suitable synonym in the context of social justice and advocacy. It highlights how various forms of discrimination and privilege are linked and affect individuals and communities.

Is there a synonym for 'intersectionality' that focuses on the aspect of identity?

'Identity interplay' is a term that zeroes in on the interaction between different facets of an individual's identity, such as race, gender, sexuality, and class, mirroring the concept of 'intersectionality.'