What is synonyms for take the next step

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take the next step

/take ðə nekst step/

A phrase used to indicate progressing or moving forward to the next stage or action.

Synonyms of take the next step


Strongest matches:

- proceed further

- take the subsequent action

- progress to the following stage

- advance to the next level

- move forward

Weak matches:

- move on

- go forward

- continue to the next level

- transition to the next phase

- proceed to the subsequent step


remain still, stand still, halt, stop, pause, stay, wait

Usage examples:

1. After months of preparation, she felt ready to take the next step in her career.

2. Their relationship had been going well, so they decided to take the next step and move in together.

3. It's time to take the next step and try your hand at more complex recipes.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a formal synonym for 'take the next step'?

A formal synonym for 'take the next step' is 'proceed to the subsequent phase.'

Is there a more casual way to say 'take the next step'?

Yes, a more casual or colloquial way to say 'take the next step' is 'move forward.'

How can I express 'take the next step' in a business or corporate setting?

In a business or corporate setting, you might use the term 'advance to the next level' to express the concept of taking the next step.

What is a synonym for 'take the next step' that implies urgency or immediate action?

A synonym that implies urgency or immediate action is 'proceed forthwith.'