What is synonyms for leatherworker

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A craftsman who makes and repairs items made from leather.

Synonyms of leatherworker


Strongest matches:

- cordwainer

- saddler

- tanner

Weak matches:

- cobbler

- shoemaker

- leathercrafter

- leather artisan


non-leatherworker, non-craftsperson, non-artisan

Usage examples:

1. The skilled leatherworker crafted a beautiful handbag from high-quality leather.

2. She apprenticed with a master leatherworker to learn the traditional techniques of the trade.

3. The leatherworker's shop was filled with the rich smell of tanned hides and the tools of the craft.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term for a leatherworker that emphasizes their artisanal skills?

A commonly used term that highlights the artisanal aspect is 'leathercraftsman' or 'leathercraftswoman.' These terms underscore the craftsmanship and artistic skill involved in working with leather.

Is there a more modern term for leatherworker that includes both genders?

Yes, 'leathercraftsperson' is a gender-neutral term that is used to describe someone skilled in creating items from leather, emphasizing inclusivity within the craft.

What synonym for leatherworker can be used to specifically denote someone who repairs leather goods?

A 'leather repairer' or 'leather restorer' specifically refers to a professional who specializes in fixing and restoring leather items to their original condition or better.

What term is more specific than 'leatherworker' for someone who specialises in making shoes?

A 'cordwainer' or 'shoemaker' is much more specific, referring to someone who specializes in crafting shoes from new leather, highlighting their specialized focus within the broader field of leatherworking.