What is another word for heavier

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Of greater weight than another object, substance, or person.

Antonyms of heavier


As in referring to weight

Strongest matches:

- lighter

- weightless

Weak matches:

- airier

- less substantial


As in density or thickness

Strongest matches:

- thinner

- finer

Weak matches:

- sparser

- less dense


As in seriousness or intensity

Strongest matches:

- lighter

- milder

Weak matches:

- less severe

- more trivial


bulkier, weightier, denser, heftier, more substantial, thicker, burlier, ponderous, more massive, meatier

Usage examples:

1. The heavier box was too much for the old shelf, causing it to collapse under the weight.

2. As the snow became heavier, the branches of the trees began to droop perilously close to the ground.

3. They decided to use a heavier fabric for the winter curtains to better insulate the room against the cold.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'heavier'?

A common antonym for 'heavier' is 'lighter.' This refers to objects that weigh less than others or situations where a lesser degree of weight, seriousness, or intensity is involved.

Can 'heavier' have antonyms in contexts other than physical weight?

Yes, in contexts not related to physical weight, antonyms for 'heavier' might include 'easier' for tasks or challenges, 'gentler' for physical forces or personal demeanors, and 'simpler' for problems or solutions, indicating a reduction in complexity or difficulty.

Is 'thinner' considered an antonym of 'heavier'?

'Thinner' can be considered an antonym of 'heavier' in specific contexts, particularly when discussing objects or materials where the focus is on density or thickness rather than just weight. However, in general use, 'lighter' is a more direct opposite regarding weight.

How does the antonym 'lighter' change the meaning of a sentence compared to 'heavier'?

Using 'lighter' instead of 'heavier' changes the sentence's meaning by indicating a decrease rather than an increase in weight, seriousness, or intensity. For example, 'The box is lighter than I expected' suggests the box is easier to lift or carry, as opposed to 'The box is heavier than I expected,' which implies it is more difficult to move due to its weight.