What is synonyms for highlight

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A feature or detail that is emphasized or made more noticeable; to draw special attention to.

Synonyms of highlight


Strongest matches:

- feature

- spotlight

- centerpiece

Weak matches:

- accent

- bright spot

- mark


Strongest matches:

- emphasize

- accentuate

- illuminate

Weak matches:

- underline

- feature

- spotlight


obscure, conceal, shadow, dim, overlook, understate

Usage examples:

1. Before the meeting, Sarah decided to highlight the key points in her report with a yellow marker to ensure they stood out during her presentation.

2. The documentary aims to highlight the struggles and triumphs of indigenous communities in preserving their land and culture against modern challenges.

3. The tour guide made sure to highlight the historical significance of each landmark we visited.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some strong synonyms for the word 'highlight'?

Emphasize, underline, underscore, accentuate, and spotlight.

Can 'feature' be used as a synonym for 'highlight'?

Yes, 'feature' can be used as a synonym for 'highlight,' though it is considered a weaker match.

What synonym for 'highlight' can be used to draw attention to important details in a document?

'Underline' or 'emphasize' can be used to draw attention to important details in a document.

Is 'mark' an appropriate synonym for 'highlight' in formal writing?

'Mark' is a weaker synonym for 'highlight' and might not be as effective in formal writing as stronger matches like 'accentuate' or 'spotlight'.