What is another word for lost

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Unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.

Antonyms of lost


Strongest matches:

- found

- located

- recovered

Weak matches:

- visible

- present


Strongest matches:

- found

- recovered

- regained

Weak matches:

- saved

- kept


Strongest matches:

- gain

- win

Weak matches:

- recovery

- retrieval


misplaced, missing, vanished, disappeared, gone, astray, strayed, mislaid, forgotten, unaccounted for, absent, out of place, wayward

Usage examples:

1. After wandering around the city for hours, she finally admitted she was lost.

2. The old manuscript was thought to be lost forever until it was discovered in an attic.

3. He had a lost look in his eyes, as if he was searching for something unattainable.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'lost' when referring to direction or location?

A common antonym for 'lost' in terms of direction or location is 'found.' However, when specifically referring to not being lost anymore or having a clear direction, 'oriented' or 'located' might also be used.

If someone is no longer feeling lost in life, what word describes their new state?

When someone no longer feels lost in life, they might be described as 'grounded,' 'secure,' or 'purposeful.' These terms suggest a sense of clarity and direction in life.

What antonym can be used for 'lost' in the context of a competition or game?

In the context of a competition or game, the opposite of 'lost' would be 'won.' This directly indicates the outcome where the person or team did not lose but emerged victorious.

For lost opportunities or moments, what word signifies the opposite situation?

For lost opportunities or moments, an antonym could be 'seized' or 'captured.' These words suggest that the opportunities or moments were taken advantage of successfully, instead of being missed or lost.