What is synonyms for wear and tear

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wear and tear

/wɛər ənd tɛər/

Damage or deterioration resulting from ordinary use over time.

Synonyms of wear and tear


Strongest matches:

- deterioration

- depreciation

- erosion

Weak matches:

- damage

- attrition

- decay

- degradation

- impairment

- consumption

- fatigue


preservation, maintenance, protection, care, conservation, upkeep

Usage examples:

1. After years of constant use, the old leather couch showed considerable wear and tear, with its cushions sagging and the fabric frayed at the edges.

2. The warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship, but it does not cover normal wear and tear that occurs over time with regular usage.

3. To minimize wear and tear on your car, it's important to perform regular maintenance, like oil changes and tire rotations, to keep everything running smoothly.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'wear and tear'?

A more formal synonym for 'wear and tear' is 'depreciation.' This term is often used in financial and business contexts to describe the gradual loss of value of assets over time due to use and aging.

Is there a single-word synonym that captures the essence of 'wear and tear'?

Yes, 'deterioration' is a single-word synonym that effectively captures the essence of 'wear and tear.' It refers to the process of becoming progressively worse due to use or aging.

Can 'erosion' be considered a synonym for 'wear and tear'?

'Erosion' can be considered a synonym for 'wear and tear' in specific contexts, particularly when referring to the gradual wearing away of materials or surfaces by natural forces, such as water, wind, or ice. However, it is less commonly used to describe wear from human use.

What is a colloquial synonym for 'wear and tear' that might be used in everyday conversation?

A colloquial synonym for 'wear and tear' often used in everyday conversation is 'wear.' For example, one might say, 'This jacket has seen a lot of wear,' implying it has been worn frequently and is showing signs of aging or damage.