What is synonyms for holistically

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In a way that deals with or treats something as a whole, rather than focusing on its individual parts.

Synonyms of holistically


Strongest matches:

- comprehensively

- integrally

- universally

Weak matches:

- inclusively

- altogether

- entirely


piecemeal, partially, incompletely, fragmentarily, partially

Usage examples:

1. The doctor treats patients holistically, considering their physical, emotional, and mental health.

2. To solve the company's financial problems, the CEO decided to look at the situation holistically.

3. The curriculum was designed holistically, integrating various subjects to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the material for students.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'holistically' that emphasizes a comprehensive approach?

A widely used synonym for 'holistically' that highlights a complete or all-encompassing approach is 'comprehensively.' This term suggests considering all parts or aspects together for a full understanding or treatment.

Is there a synonym for 'holistically' that focuses on the interconnectedness of parts?

Yes, 'integratively' is a synonym for 'holistically' that stresses the importance of combining or coordinating separate elements so that they work together effectively. It underscores the interconnectedness and interdependence of parts within a whole.

Can 'systematically' be considered a synonym for 'holistically,' and how do they differ?

'Systematically' can sometimes be used in a similar context to 'holistically' when referring to a methodical approach to something. However, they differ in focus; 'systematically' emphasizes a step-by-step, orderly process, while 'holistically' focuses more on the inclusiveness of all components and their relationships to each other.

What term is similar to 'holistically' but pertains specifically to health and wellness?

'Naturopathically' is a term that can be similar to 'holistically' within the context of health and wellness. It refers to a mode of treatment that considers the individual's body, mind, and spirit to promote healing and wellness, emphasizing natural remedies and the body's inherent healing ability.