What is another word for metaphor

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A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable, suggesting a similarity without using 'like' or 'as'.

Antonyms of metaphor


Strongest matches:

- literal

- reality

- fact

Weak matches:

- explanation

- description


analogy, simile, figure of speech, allegory, emblem, symbol, imagery, parable, comparison, personification

Usage examples:

1. The teacher used the metaphor of a tree to explain how a family tree works.

2. His life was a complex metaphor for the American Dream, embodying both its promises and its pitfalls.

3. She described their relationship using the metaphor of a stormy sea, unpredictable and tumultuous.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the most direct antonym of 'metaphor'?

The most direct antonym of 'metaphor' is 'literal.' While a metaphor uses figurative language to suggest a similarity between two different things, something literal conveys meaning in a straightforward manner, without employing any figurative or symbolic language.

Can 'reality' be considered an antonym of 'metaphor'?

Yes, 'reality' can be considered an antonym of 'metaphor' in certain contexts. Metaphors deal with symbolic or figurative representations, not with things as they actually are. In contrast, 'reality' refers to the state of things as they exist without any symbolic or figurative interpretation.

Is 'simile' an antonym of 'metaphor'?

No, 'simile' is not an antonym of 'metaphor'; instead, it's a closely related term. Both are figurative language devices used to make comparisons. The key difference is that similes use connecting words such as 'like' or 'as' to compare, whereas metaphors do so directly without such connectors. An antonym of 'metaphor' would be a term that denotes directness or literalness, not another figurative language device.

What term would serve as an antonym of 'metaphor' in the context of writing styles?

In the context of writing styles, 'expository' writing could be considered an antonym of 'metaphorical' writing. Expository writing aims to inform or explain, often in a very straightforward or literal manner, without the use of figurative language like metaphors. It focuses on delivering clear and factual information to the reader.