What is another word for same

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Identical or similar in every detail.

Antonyms of same


Strongest matches:

- different

- dissimilar

- distinct

- diverse

- opposite

Weak matches:

- unlike

- variable

- disparate


Strongest matches:

- opposite

- contrary

Weak matches:

- variation

- change


identical, alike, similar, equal, equivalent, indistinguishable, comparable, matching, akin, parallel, uniform, twin, duplicate, interchangeable

Usage examples:

1. I ordered the same coffee as yesterday because it was so good.

2. We realized we had the same idea for the project without even discussing it.

3. Despite the changes, the town felt the same to me as it did in my childhood.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the most common antonym for 'same'?

The most common antonym for 'same' is 'different.' This term is used to describe things that are not alike and have distinct characteristics.

Can 'opposite' be considered an antonym of 'same'?

Yes, 'opposite' can be considered an antonym of 'same' in contexts where two things are being compared on a linear scale or spectrum, such as directions, positions, or characteristics that are completely contrasting each other.

Is 'unique' a direct antonym of 'same'?

While 'unique' is not a direct antonym in every context, it can serve as an antonym to 'same' when emphasizing the singular nature or unparalleled aspect of an object or situation, in contrast to something being identical or similar to others.

What antonym of 'same' should I use to describe a change in condition or state?

'Altered' or 'changed' would be appropriate antonyms to describe something that has undergone a transformation, indicating a deviation from its previous state, thereby making it no longer the same.