What is synonyms for natural beauty

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natural beauty

/nætʃərəl ˈbjuːti/

The innate aesthetic appeal and attractiveness of something or someone, unaltered by human intervention.

Synonyms of natural beauty


Strongest matches:

- pristine beauty

- unspoiled beauty

- untouched beauty

- raw beauty

- pure beauty

Weak matches:

- scenic beauty

- inherent beauty

- organic beauty

- rustic charm

- native beauty

- aesthetic appeal


Strongest matches:

- stunning

- breathtaking

- gorgeous

- exquisite

Weak matches:

- attractive

- pretty

- lovely

- pleasing


artificial beauty, synthetic beauty, manufactured beauty, unnatural beauty

Usage examples:

1. Many tourists are drawn to the region for its breathtaking natural beauty.

2. In the world of cosmetics, there's a growing trend towards products that enhance one's natural beauty.

3. The documentary on environmental conservation emphasized the importance of protecting the planet's natural beauty.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a commonly used synonym for 'natural beauty'?

A frequently used synonym for 'natural beauty' is 'innate attractiveness.' This term emphasizes the inherent, unaltered appeal of a person, object, or landscape.

Is there a synonym for 'natural beauty' that specifically relates to landscapes and environments?

Yes, 'pristine scenery' is a term that refers specifically to landscapes and environments that possess untouched, natural beauty. It highlights the purity and unspoiled nature of a place.

Can 'natural beauty' refer to a person?

Absolutely, 'natural beauty' can refer to a person's unembellished and authentic attractiveness. In this context, 'effortless charm' is a suitable synonym, as it conveys the idea of someone's attractiveness without the need for artificial enhancement.

What is a synonym for 'natural beauty' that conveys a sense of simplicity and elegance?

'Understated elegance' is a synonym that captures the simplicity and grace of natural beauty. It suggests a form of beauty that does not need to be bold or flashy to be appreciated, resonating with the idea of elegance in simplicity.