What is synonyms for jawbreaker

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A hard, round candy that is typically very difficult to bite into.

Synonyms of jawbreaker


As in difficult words or terms

Strongest matches:

- gobstopper

- mouthful

- jaw-twister

- everlasting

- hard candy

Weak matches:

- tongue-twister

- hard word


As in hard candy

Strongest matches:

- gobstopper

Weak matches:

- candy

- sweet

- lollipop


simple, easy, straightforward

Usage examples:

1. As a kid, I remember spending my allowance on a giant jawbreaker, which took me weeks to finish because it was so hard to bite into.

2. The trivia question at the party was a real jawbreaker; none of us could come up with the answer despite racking our brains for hours.

3. During the rugby match, one of the players took a hard hit to the face and ended up with a jawbreaker of an injury, sidelining him for the rest of the season.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a simpler term for 'jawbreaker' that describes its hardness?

A common synonym that emphasizes the hardness of a jawbreaker is 'hard candy.' This term highlights the solid, often challenging-to-bite nature of jawbreakers without specifying their size or the effort required to consume them.

Is there a synonym for 'jawbreaker' that focuses on its size rather than its hardness?

Yes, the term 'gobstopper' is frequently used, particularly in British English, to denote a large, round candy similar to a jawbreaker. Gobstoppers are known for their multiple layers of flavor and color, which are revealed as they dissolve in the mouth.

What is a more general synonym for 'jawbreaker' that includes a variety of hard candies?

'Confectionery' serves as a broader term that encompasses jawbreakers among a wide range of sweet treats, including chocolates, gummies, and other sugary delights. While it is a more inclusive term, it effectively categorizes jawbreakers within the spectrum of sweet, hard candies.

For culinary or baking purposes, is there a term that can substitute 'jawbreaker' in recipes or discussions?

In culinary contexts, the term 'sugar candy' can be used as a synonym for jawbreakers. This term specifies that the candy is primarily made of sugar and can be useful in discussions about recipes or decorating desserts where a hard, sugary element is desired for texture or aesthetic appeal.