What is another word for short

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Lacking in length, duration, or height.

Antonyms of short


Strongest matches:

- long

- tall

Weak matches:

- extended

- lengthy

- elongated


brief, concise, succinct, terse, compact, summary, abbreviated, truncated, laconic, pithy

Usage examples:

1. She realized the dress was too short when she tried it on.

2. He gave a short speech that left everyone impressed.

3. The movie felt short, ending sooner than they expected.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the direct antonym of 'short' when referring to length or height?

The direct antonym of 'short' in the context of length or height is 'tall' when referring to height, and 'long' when referring to length. 'Tall' is used for vertical measurements, like the height of a person or a building, while 'long' is used for horizontal measurements, such as the length of a room or a piece of furniture.

When discussing time duration, what is the antonym of 'short'?

The antonym of 'short' when discussing time duration is 'long.' For example, a 'short meeting' would have a brief duration, whereas a 'long meeting' would last for a longer period.

If a movie or book is described as 'short,' what word would describe its opposite in terms of content length?

A movie or book that is the opposite of 'short' in terms of content length would be described as 'long.' This term indicates that the movie or book has a longer duration or more pages, respectively, offering a more extensive experience than a short one.

What is an antonym for 'short' when used to describe someone's temper?

When 'short' is used to describe someone's temper, implying they are quick to anger, the antonym would be 'patient' or 'long-suffering.' These terms suggest that the person is able to endure irritation or setbacks without quickly becoming angry.