What is another word for straight

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Not bent or curved; in a direct line.

Antonyms of straight


As in straight meaning not curved or bent

Strongest matches:

- curved

- bent

- crooked

Weak matches:

- winding

- twisted

- zigzag


As in straight meaning honest

Strongest matches:

- dishonest

- deceitful

- untrustworthy

Weak matches:

- crooked

- dubious

- shady


As in straight meaning neat and orderly

Strongest matches:

- disheveled

- messy

- untidy

Weak matches:

- cluttered

- chaotic

- sloppy


Strongest matches:

- indirectly

- circuitously

Weak matches:

- meanderingly

- windingly


direct, linear, unswerving, straightforward, aligned, unbent, uncurved, undeviating, erect, upright, level, even, true

Usage examples:

1. She walked straight into the room, her gaze fixed firmly ahead.

2. The teacher instructed the students to draw a straight line on their papers.

3. Despite the confusion, he managed to keep his thoughts straight and answer the question correctly.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'straight' related to direction?

A common antonym for 'straight' in terms of direction is 'curved' or 'bent.' While 'straight' refers to a direct, unswerving path, 'curved' or 'bent' indicates a path that deviates or turns away from a straight line.

If describing a line, what word would be the opposite of 'straight'?

When describing a line, the opposite of 'straight' would be 'zigzag' or 'wavy.' These terms suggest a line that frequently changes direction in sharp angles or gentle waves, contrasting the directness of a straight line.

What antonym of 'straight' can be used to describe someone's honesty?

To describe someone's honesty, the antonym of 'straight' might be 'deceitful' or 'dishonest.' While being 'straight' with someone implies honesty and directness, being 'deceitful' indicates a lack of honesty and a tendency to mislead or lie.

In the context of orientation, what would be the antonym of 'straight'?

In terms of sexual orientation, the antonym of 'straight' (heterosexual) would be 'gay' or 'homosexual.' 'Straight' refers to a person who is attracted to individuals of the opposite sex, while 'gay' or 'homosexual' refers to a person who is attracted to individuals of the same sex.