What is synonyms for low self-esteem

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low self-esteem

/ˌloʊ ˌsɛlf ɪˈstim/

A condition characterized by a lack of confidence and feeling negatively about oneself.

Synonyms of low self-esteem


Strongest matches:

- self-doubt

- insecurity

- inferiority complex

Weak matches:

- self-deprecation

- self-disparagement


Strongest matches:

- insecure

- self-conscious

Weak matches:

- timid

- diffident


high self-esteem, self-confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, self-worth

Usage examples:

1. After years of being bullied, Maria struggled with low self-esteem.

2. The therapist emphasized the importance of positive affirmations and self-care routines to help build up one's low self-esteem.

3. Surprisingly, even highly successful individuals can suffer from low self-esteem.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term that describes low self-esteem without using medical jargon?

'Lack of confidence' is a commonly used term that captures the essence of low self-esteem in everyday language. It suggests a general deficit in self-assurance and trust in one’s own abilities or value without leaning on clinical terminology.

Is there a word that specifically denotes low self-esteem in the context of one's appearance or body image?

'Body dysmorphia' or 'poor body image' are terms closely related to low self-esteem, particularly focusing on dissatisfaction with one’s physical appearance. While body dysmorphia is a more clinical term indicating a mental health disorder, poor body image broadly describes negative self-perception regarding physical appearance.

Can you provide a term that encapsulates low self-esteem in social settings?

'Social anxiety' is often used to describe feelings of inadequacy and heightened self-consciousness in social situations, which can be a manifestation of low self-esteem. It specifically relates to the fear of being judged or negatively evaluated by others in a social context.

What is a synonym for low self-esteem that implies a temporary or situational condition?

'Insecurity' can be used to denote a condition of low self-esteem that might be specific to certain situations or periods in life. It suggests a state of uncertainty or anxiety about oneself that may not be as pervasive or permanent as other terms imply.