What is synonyms for hope

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A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Synonyms of hope


As in expectation or desire for a certain thing to happen

Strongest matches:

- aspiration

- expectation

- wish

- dream

- desire

- longing

Weak matches:

- anticipation

- yearning

- craving

- hankering


As in confidence in the future

Strongest matches:

- optimism

- faith

- confidence

- belief

- trust

Weak matches:

- assurance

- conviction

- reliance


As in want something to happen or be the case

Strongest matches:

- wish

- desire

- long for

- yearn for

- dream of

- aspire to

Weak matches:

- expect

- crave

- covet

- pine for


As in intend if possible to do something

Strongest matches:

- plan

- intend

- aim

- propose

- aspire

Weak matches:

- contemplate

- consider

- think about


despair, pessimism, doubt, disbelief, hopelessness

Usage examples:

1. After months of searching for a job, Sarah finally felt a glimmer of hope when she received a call for an interview.

2. The charity aimed to bring hope to the disaster-stricken community by providing essential supplies and support.

3. In the midst of the dense fog, the lighthouse was a beacon of hope for the lost sailors, guiding them safely to shore.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'hope'?

Some common synonyms for 'hope' include 'aspiration,' 'expectation,' 'optimism,' and 'wish'. Each of these words shares a similar sentiment to 'hope' but can carry slightly different nuances or contexts in which they are typically used.

Can 'desire' be considered a synonym for 'hope,' and if so, how do they differ?

Yes, 'desire' can be considered a synonym for 'hope,' but with a subtle difference. 'Hope' often implies a feeling of expectation and longing for something that is possible or likely to happen. In contrast, 'desire' suggests a stronger feeling of wanting something very much, regardless of its likelihood. 'Hope' can be seen as more passive, while 'desire' is more active and intense.

Is 'anticipation' a synonym for 'hope,' and in what context would it be used?

'Anticipation' can be a synonym for 'hope,' especially in contexts where there is an eager expectation or excitement about something that is going to happen. While 'hope' generally denotes a wish for a specific outcome, 'anticipation' focuses more on the emotion felt in advance of an event or situation, regardless of the outcome.

How does 'faith' relate to 'hope' as a synonym, and when might one be preferred over the other?

'Faith' and 'hope' are closely related and often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. 'Faith' typically refers to a strong belief or trust in something or someone, often without needing empirical evidence. 'Hope,' on the other hand, is more about a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. 'Faith' might be preferred in religious or spiritual contexts, or when referring to trust in the reliability, truth, or ability of something or someone. 'Hope' is more secular and broadly used in various contexts, from casual to serious discussions about the future.