What is another word for under

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Positioned beneath or covered by something else.

Antonyms of under


Strongest matches:

- above

- over

Weak matches:

- top

- higher


As in below

Strongest matches:

- above

- over

- upper

Weak matches:

- topside


As in less than

Strongest matches:

- over

- more than

Weak matches:

- exceeding


Strongest matches:

- above

- over

Weak matches:

- atop


beneath, below, underneath, lower than, at the bottom of, beneath the surface of

Usage examples:

1. The cat found a cozy spot to nap under the warm sunlight streaming through the window.

2. The investigation revealed that the bridge's collapse was due to structural weaknesses under the surface.

3. We gathered under the large oak tree to seek shade from the midday sun.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a direct antonym of 'under' in the context of physical position?

A direct antonym of 'under' when talking about physical position is 'over' or 'above.' These terms are used to describe something that is positioned higher than another object, as opposed to 'under' which describes something being below another object.

Can 'under' have antonyms in contexts other than physical positioning?

Yes, 'under' can have antonyms in various contexts other than physical positioning. For example, in the context of authority, an antonym would be 'over' or 'above,' indicating a higher position in a hierarchy. In the context of performance or expectations, 'exceed' can be considered an antonym, as 'under' might be used to describe performance below expectations, whereas 'exceed' indicates performance that goes beyond expectations.

Is there an antonym for 'under' when used in phrases like 'under the weather'?

While idiomatic expressions like 'under the weather' (meaning feeling ill) do not have direct, single-word antonyms, you could consider phrases like 'in good health' or 'feeling well' as conceptual antonyms. These phrases convey the opposite state of health compared to 'under the weather.'

What is an appropriate antonym for 'under' in terms of understanding or knowledge?

In terms of understanding or knowledge, a suitable antonym for 'under' (as in 'understand') would be 'misunderstand' or 'overlook.' If 'under' is used to imply a lack of knowledge or awareness, then 'aware' or 'informed' could serve as antonyms, indicating a state of having knowledge or being fully informed.