What is synonyms for messed-up

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/mest ʌp/

Disordered, faulty, or problematic in nature.

Synonyms of messed-up


As in general condition or state

Strongest matches:

- disordered

- chaotic

- dysfunctional

Weak matches:

- disorganized

- jumbled

- confused


As in morally or socially wrong

Strongest matches:

- corrupt

- depraved

- immoral

Weak matches:

- misguided

- unethical

- wrong


As in physically damaged or injured

Strongest matches:

- damaged

- broken

- impaired

Weak matches:

- bruised

- blemished

- scratched


As in emotionally or mentally disturbed

Strongest matches:

- disturbed

- traumatized

- unsettled

Weak matches:

- troubled

- distressed

- agitated


neat, ordered, organized, tidy, arranged

Usage examples:

1. After the party, the entire house was in a messed-up state, with cups and plates scattered everywhere.

2. She felt completely messed-up emotionally, struggling to make sense of her feelings after the abrupt breakup.

3. The project plan looked all messed-up because the team had not followed the outlined steps.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'messed-up' that I can use in a professional setting?

A more formal synonym for 'messed-up' suitable for professional contexts would be 'disordered.' This term conveys a sense of chaos or lack of organization without the casual tone.

Is there a synonym for 'messed-up' that specifically refers to plans or schedules?

Yes, 'derailed' is a synonym that is particularly fitting for plans or schedules that have gone awry. It implies that things have moved off their intended course, much like a train leaving its tracks.

What synonym can I use for 'messed-up' when referring to emotional or mental states?

'Distraught' is an appropriate synonym when you're referring to a state of emotional or mental turmoil. It captures the sense of being deeply upset or agitated, which aligns with the implications of being 'messed-up' in a psychological context.

Is there a synonym for 'messed-up' that implies a situation is beyond simple repair or correction?

'Irreparable' is a strong synonym that suggests a situation or object is beyond repair or fixing. It conveys a sense of permanent damage or disorder, making it a fitting choice for situations that cannot be easily rectified.