Discovering the Easiest Languages to Learn After Spanish

Learning a second language is often challenging, as people have to explore multiple peculiarities and the country’s traditions and culture to reach the desired level of fluency. However, motivation and persistence allow individuals to achieve the necessary results. So, what to consider when you want to broaden your horizons, choose the easiest language to learn for Spanish speakers, and get the chance to communicate with more people from different parts of the world?
The language family is usually the first factor to consider when selecting a language to study. Spanish is from the Romance Group, greatly influencing the learner’s future choice. French, Italian, and Portuguese also belong to the same language family. However, it doesn’t mean that Spanish speakers should only choose among them, as there are many more peculiarities they have to consider.
At first glance, mastering English is a universal solution, as this language boasts approximately 1.5 billion speakers globally. However, some people would rather choose Italian or French due to their career prospects or other personal needs. Let’s take a look at different factors that may impact your selection and conclude what to learn when you have already mastered Spanish.
Is Spanish Easiest Language to Learn: Why Romance Languages Are a Natural Choice
Undeniably, Romance Group languages would be the first thing potential learners consider. Spanish has lots in common with Italian, French and Portuguese. These languages are widespread globally. According to statistics, around 61 million people worldwide speak Italian. At the same time, French is more widespread, with over 300 million population using it in France, Monaco, Switzerland, Belgium, and multiple African countries. Portuguese is also popular, as 230 million people speak it in different states.
Considering that they belong to the same group, it’s unsurprising that Spanish has much in common with the abovementioned languages. Take a look at some words that sound similar to explore a bit more before choosing what to learn:
- Boa tarde [bˈoɐ tˈaɾədɨ] (Portuguese) – Buenas tardes [bwˈenas tˈaɾðes] (Spanish) – Good afternoon.
- Olá [ɔlˈa] (Portuguese) – Hola [ˈola] (Spanish) – Hello.
- Grazie mille [ɡrˈat͡sje mˈille] (Italian) – Muchas gracias [mˈut͡ʃas ɡrˈat͡ʃas] (Spanish) – Thank you very much.
- De nada [dˈɨ nˈadɐ] (Portuguese) – De nada [dˈe nˈaða] (Spanish) – You are welcome.
- Come stai? [kˈome stˈaj?] (Italian) – ¿Cómo estás? [¿kˈomo estˈas?] (Spanish) – How are you?
- Je vais bien [ʒˈə- vˈɛ bjˈɛ̃] (French) – Estoy bien [estˈo͡ɪ bjˈen] (Spanish) – I am fine.
- Bonsoir [bɔ̃swˈaʁ] (French) – Buenas tardes [bwˈenas tˈaɾðes] (Spanish) – Good evening.
Of course, such similarities don’t mean that mastering French, Italian, or Portuguese will be incredibly simple. Learning any foreign language requires persistence and lots of hard work, which is why students should be prepared to explore many new things. However, it’s still considered that the three above languages are the easiest for Spanish speakers, so they usually pay attention to them first.
Exploring Beyond Romance Languages: Surprising Easy Picks for Spanish Speakers
Not everyone wants to master Italian, Portuguese, or French; luckily, Spanish speakers have many more languages. English is the most obvious choice, as it’s the most popular language in the world. Even though Spanish is from a different group, many learners still consider it easy to master. The two languages share the same alphabet, have similar words, and boast close syntax. Have a look at some words that have identical spelling and pronunciation:
- Admirable [ˌadmiɾˈaβle] – admirable.
- Balance [balˈanθe] – balance.
- Conclusión [kˌonklusjˈon] – conclusion.
- Decisión [dˌeθisjˈon] – decision.
- Excursión [ˌekskuɾsjˈon] – excursion.
- Fórmula [fˈoɾmula] – formula.
- Invasión [ˌimbasjˈon] – invasion.
- Menú [menˈu] – menu.
- Reunión [ɾɾe͡ʊnjˈon] – reunion.
- Vulnerable [bˌulneɾˈaβle] – vulnerable.
These are only ten similar wordings, but the two languages have many more in common. Therefore, it might be easier for learners to master English when they already speak Spanish. Of course, there are multiple peculiarities they have yet to explore. However, these challenges come when mastering anything, so the educational process will still take time. English is from the Germanic language family, but knowing Spanish makes learning it easier.
Dutch is another common solution that Spanish speakers can consider. Like English, it belongs to the Germanic group. Even though it’s different from the Spanish language family, they both still have similarities, allowing learners to master Dutch faster. The two tongues share numerous grammar rules; in addition, the words are pronounced the way they are spelled.
This peculiarity simplifies language learning, so Spanish speakers should consider Dutch. According to statistics, it’s used by 23.5 million people in Denmark, Canada, Curaçao, and the Netherlands.
The Role of Linguistic Similarities in Language Learning for Spanish Speakers
Learning a foreign language is undeniably more straightforward when it has similarities with your mother tongue. Therefore, Spanish speakers usually choose those from the same group. Linguistic similarities play a massive role in mastering the language. For example, the research indicates that native Arabic speakers show lower results when learning Dutch than those using German as their mother tongue.
Unveiling the Top Languages for Easiest Spanish to Learn Next
Overall, the choice depends on your plans and prospects. For instance, mastering Italian will hardly be beneficial if you have career opportunities in China. In this case, you must learn Mandarin and explore all its peculiarities. Other options Spanish speakers often consider include Catalan, which is a Western Romance language. It’s used in Andorra, France, Spain, and Italy.
Swedish is another language that Spanish speakers should pay attention to. It’s not as widespread as English or Mandarin but is still used by around 9.8 million people in Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark. Mastering it requires time and effort; unfortunately, achieving fluency in a few days is impossible. So, what is the easiest language to learn for Spanish speakers? It all depends on your preferences!
How Spanish Speakers Can Effortlessly Master New Languages
Learning something is often challenging, so mastering a new language will take time. Even if a Spanish speaker chooses one from the same group, they still have to explore multiple peculiarities. However, we’ve prepared some tips that will make your learning process more engaging and efficient:
- Set a clear lesson plan and stick to it.
- Get enough practice by communicating with native speakers.
- Read a lot (you can start from the simplest children’s books).
- Memorize at least a few new words daily.
- Take advantage of media content (listen to podcasts, watch videos, etc.).
- Travel to the country where the language is widespread.
These tips will help you master the chosen language faster and more efficiently. Remember that regularity is the key to success, so discover at least some new words or topics daily. In this case, you will achieve the desired level of fluency as soon as possible.
Master Spanish and Other Romance Languages with Promova
Even though the languages mentioned above are considered easier for Spanish speakers, additional assistance when mastering grammar and vocabulary will be useful. In this case, the Promova platform will become a one-stop solution for learners. Join it on the web version or download the app to enjoy guided courses developed by professional tutors.
Learners can explore new words and quizzes daily in the free version or subscribe to Premium. Mastering the language with Promova will be more thrilling and efficient. Learn useful topics and get more practice to achieve the desired results with maximum excitement.
Spanish speakers are often challenged when choosing which language to master. Most learners would like to simplify the process and select the easiest option. Undeniably, languages from the same group, including Italian, French, and Portuguese, are the frequent choices. On the other hand, Spanish speakers should also consider Dutch and English. Even though they are from different language families, they still share multiple similarities, which makes the learning process simpler.
How many people speak Spanish in the world?
The research indicates that this language is used by over 559 million people globally, with a high prevalence in Mexico, Spain, and Colombia. Other countries where Spanish is popular include Argentina, the US, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, and many other states. Therefore, the language is in the fourth stage in terms of its popularity worldwide.
Would it be possible to master a foreign language independently?
The availability of multiple educational materials online and the rapidly developing digital world allow students to enjoy learning wherever they are. Various books and manuals are available, so you can find what you need and enjoy self-education. On the other hand, mastering the language with an experienced tutor is more effective, as they can provide you with all the necessary details and help you learn everything topic by topic to get the best results.
What are the best resources for mastering Italian, French, or other languages?
Modern learners can find plenty of information online, which is their primary benefit. Therefore, lots of workbooks and manuals are available for users. However, mastering any language is challenging without using online dictionaries. WordReference and Cambridge Dictionary are indispensable tools all learners should utilize. They provide the chance to translate any new word or phrase with a few clicks and quickly replenish your vocabulary.
What is the best language to learn after Spanish?
Languages of the same group, including Portuguese, Italian, and French, are considered the easiest for Spanish speakers. They share numerous lexical similarities, so mastering vocabulary will not be as complicated as choosing Chinese or Japanese. On the other hand, Spanish speakers should also consider the languages of the Germanic group. Remember that the final choice depends on your desires, goals, and abilities, so evaluate all the factors to decide.