The Complete Guide to How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

Grover Laughtonreviewed byKateryna Protsenko / more about Editorial Process13 min
Created: Aug 30, 2022Last updated: Feb 5, 2024
Speaking Skills

Practicing speaking is the key to success in learning English as a second language. No amount of reading, watching, or listening can replace actual speaking practice when it comes to developing confidence and fluency. If you would like to know how to improve your speaking skills, there are plenty of ways to get practice, even if you don’t have a native speaker to exercise with. It just takes a little creativity, organization, and motivation.

This guide will give you some ideas for improving your speaking skills, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner. You’ll find tips on how to improve speaking skills in English as well as techniques for becoming more confident and proficient. By the end of this guide, you’ll have plenty of new ideas to help take your language skills to the next level.

How Long Does It Take To Improve in English Speaking?

Some people are under the false impression that they cannot improve their spoken English skills because they do not have a native speaker to practice with. This could not be further from the truth! There are many ways to get practice, even if there is no possibility to practice with a native speaker. However, to answer the question of how to improve my English speaking, you’ll need to be proactive and dedicate time to it every day.

With enough motivation and effort, you can see certain improvements in your speaking skills in as little as two weeks. However, how much progress you make will depend on several factors, such as your current level of language, how often you practice, and what types of activities you do to practice.

Talking about the time the development of speaking skills takes, it is important to keep in mind that everyone learns at a different pace. While some people may be able to become conversationally fluent in around a year, others may need a few years. The most important thing is to remain patient and consistent with your effort. Do not get discouraged if you don’t see the results you want immediately. With time and practice, you will get there!

There is always room for improvement when it comes to learning any language, even if you are already proficient. For example, many advanced learners still make mistakes when using certain grammar structures or vocabulary words, especially in spoken English. Even if you are already confident in your speaking skills, there may be some areas that you can still work on. For example, you may want to focus on improving your pronunciation or becoming more fluid when having conversations.

Why is It Important to Improve Speaking Skills?

Whether you are planning to study abroad or start work in an English-speaking country, being able to speak the language is essential. Let’s look at the main reasons why you should know how to develop speaking skills:

  • You will be able to communicate more effectively. If you can speak English well, you will be able to express yourself more clearly and accurately when communicating with others. This is especially important in professional or academic settings, where conveying your thoughts and ideas is essential for success.
  • You will become more confident in yourself. Being proficient in English can do wonders for your confidence levels, personally and professionally! When you are not worried about making mistakes or having difficulty communicating, you can focus on enjoying yourself and engaging fully in conversations. This newfound confidence can also lead to new opportunities opening up for you both at home and abroad.
  • You will be able to connect with more people. One of the best things about speaking English is that it gives you the ability to connect with people from all over the world. Whether you meet someone while traveling or make friends online, being able to communicate in a common language is sure to make the experience much more enjoyable for both parties involved.
  • You will be able to enjoy all types of cultural experiences. From watching Hollywood movies and TV shows to reading world-famous novels and listening to popular music, there are countless cultural experiences waiting for you once you can speak English fluently! Not only will you be able to appreciate these things more fully, but you’ll also be able to look at them from a different perspective and gain new insights into other cultures.

Now you see that knowing how to develop English speaking skills is extremely important for a variety of reasons. Not only will it make communication easier, but it can also lead to new opportunities and experiences in life!



Top 12 Tips on How to Improve English Speaking

How to improve your speaking skills? Whether you are just starting to learn English or are already quite proficient but want to take your skills to the next level, there are always ways to success. Here are 12 tips that will help you communicate more effectively and confidently.

Speak as Much as Possible

One of the best ways of how to improve your English speaking skills is to simply speak as much as you can. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become and the easier it will be to produce the sounds and words correctly. If you are shy or self-conscious about your abilities, start by practicing with a close friend or family member who can offer encouragement and give you feedback.

If you don’t have anyone to practice with, there are still plenty of opportunities to speak on your own. For example, you can record yourself speaking and then listen back to identify any areas that need improvement. After a while, you may even want to start holding conversations with yourself in English just to keep the practice going.

Find an English-Speaking Partner

If you really want to know how to improve your English speaking skills, one of the best things you can do is find a partner who is also learning or wants to learn the language. This way, you can practice and help each other out when needed. You can find a partner in person or online through websites or forums for language learners.

When choosing a speaking partner, it’s important to find someone at a similar level as you so that neither of you feels too frustrated during the conversation. In addition, try to find someone with similar interests so that you will have more things to discuss.

Listen to Native Speakers

It would be best if you also spent time listening to native speakers to understand how the language should sound better. This can be done by watching English-language television shows and movies, listening to the radio or music, or simply chatting with friends.

By exposing yourself to as much spoken English as possible, you will start to pick up on the rhythms, intonations, and vocabulary used by native speakers. This will help when it comes time for you to produce these sounds yourself. Therefore, listening is just as important as speaking when it comes to improving English speaking skills.

Broaden Your Vocabulary

In order to be able to express yourself clearly and confidently in English, you need to have a strong vocabulary. Make an effort to learn new words and expressions on a daily basis, and then use them as often as possible in conversation. In addition to reading books and articles, many online resources can help you to build your vocabularies, such as word-of-the-day email lists and apps.

One great way to expand your vocabulary is by keeping a “vocabulary journal” where you write down new words that you come across, along with their meaning and how they are used in a sentence. Over time, you will have created your personal dictionary that you can refer back to when needed. It is also helpful to group new words together by theme or topic, such as “animals” or “clothing.” This will make it easier to remember them and use them in conversation.

Learn the Natural Flow of the Language

Another important tip to improve English speaking is to learn the natural flow of the language. This means understanding how words are typically strung together to form sentences, and then practicing this yourself.

A great way to do this is by listening to native speakers and imitating their sentence structure. You can also read books or articles out loud, paying attention to the way that each sentence is constructed. Once you have a good grasp of how the language flows, it will be much easier for you to produce correct sentences when speaking.

Read out Loud

In addition to speaking and listening, reading is also an important part of improving speaking skills. Not only will reading help to expand your vocabulary, but it will also improve your pronunciation. Also, the process of reading aloud can help you to better understand the rhythm and flow, which is important for speaking.

One way to practice reading is by taking turns reading aloud with a friend or family member. You can also read out loud to yourself, either softly enough so that no one can hear you, or even by recording yourself and then playing back the recording. Either way, the goal is to practice pronouncing the words correctly and fluently. It’s a good idea to use an online dictionary like Cambridge Dictionary to look up words that you’re unsure of how to pronounce.

Talk to Yourself

This may sound silly, but one of the best things you can do to improve your speaking skills is to talk to yourself. This is a great way to practice pronunciation and get comfortable with saying new words and phrases.

You can do this either out loud or in your head. If you are self-conscious about talking out loud, start by muttering under your breath or thinking to yourself in English throughout the day. For example, you can say simple phrases like “I need to go grocery shopping” or “I need to buy a new shirt” as you go about your daily activities.

Retell Stories in English

A great way to practice speaking English is by telling stories. You can either make up your own stories or retell ones you have heard. Either way, this is a great way to practice using different words and sentence structures.

When telling a story, start by thinking about the main points that you want to include. Then, try to use as much detail as possible to make the story more interesting. Remember to pay attention to your tone and facial expressions – these can be just as important as the words you use when communicating with others.

Think in English

Throughout the day, try to think in English as much as possible. This may seem difficult at first, but it will become easier with practice. Whenever you find yourself with a few spare minutes – on the bus, in line at the store, or just before falling asleep – run through some English conversation topics in your head.

One way to do this is by translating your thoughts into English as you go about your day. For example, if you are thinking about what you need to do that day, say it to yourself in English instead of your native language. You can also try thinking about how you would say things before actually saying them out loud. This may seem like a lot of work, but it will pay off in the long run by helping you to think more quickly and easily in English.

Make a Schedule

If you want to make the most of your speaking practice, it’s important to be organized and have a plan. Try to set aside some time each day for practice, and stick to your schedule as much as possible. You may also want to create goals for yourself to track your progress and see how far you’ve come.

For example, if you are just starting out, your goal might be to hold a basic conversation in English for five minutes without making any mistakes. Once you reach that goal, you can move on to something more difficult, like having a conversation using only past tense verbs. Having specific goals will help you stay motivated and focused while practicing so that you can improve more quickly.

Use Technology

There are many different ways that technology can help improve your English speaking skills. Some online dictionaries and translators can help you with difficult words, and many apps and websites can help you practice speaking. Many online dictionaries also have audio pronunciations of words so that you can hear how they are supposed to be pronounced. For instance, you can take advantage of the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

In addition, there are websites and online forums where you can practice your English by talking to other learners from around the world. These are great resources for getting feedback and motivation from others who are in the same situation as you. Whichever resources you use, be sure to take advantage of them so that you can improve your skills as quickly as possible.

Sign Up for a Course

If you want to know how to speak better English and have more structure and guidance, consider signing up for a course. There are many different types of courses available, from online programs to in-person classes.

Taking a course can be especially helpful if you are struggling with a particular aspect of the language, especially speaking or pronunciation. It can also be a great way to meet other people who are learning English and make friends that can help support your efforts.

Improving English Speaking Skills with Promova

In case you want to take your English speaking skills to the next level, you can take advantage of courses on the Promova platform, which is specially designed for non-native English speakers. Promova offers a number of benefits that can help you improve English speaking quickly and effectively, including:

  • Group classes or private tutoring. You can choose to take group classes or have private tutoring sessions. Either way, you’ll be able to get the individual attention that you need in order to make progress with your English.
  • Interactive exercises. You’ll get to practice your speaking with interactive exercises that are tailored to your level. This way, you can focus on the areas that need the most improvement.
  • Feedback from native speakers. You’ll receive feedback from native English speakers on your pronunciation. This will help you identify areas where you need to make changes so that you can sound more like a native speaker.
  • Flexible schedule. The program is flexible so that you can learn at your own pace and fit it into your schedule easily. Also, you can access the platform from anywhere in the world, so you can learn even if you’re not in an English-speaking country.
  • Mobile app to learn words. You’ll be able to practice your vocabulary with the mobile app so that you can learn new words on the go. The app also includes some exercises to help you practice your speaking skills.

The program also includes some other features that can help you improve your English, such as grammar lessons, vocabulary lists, and speaking practice with other learners.


Now, more than ever, being able to speak English is an essential skill to have. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways of how to improve your speaking, whether you take an online course, join a language exchange program, or practice with a native speaker. Just make sure to get started today so that you can start reaping the many benefits of being bilingual.

Thanks to some tips on how to improve your English speaking, you will definitely succeed! Practice makes perfect, so don’t give up and keep learning. After a while, you will see the results of your hard work.


How long will it take me to improve my English speaking skills?

It depends on a number of factors, such as your current level of English, how often you practice, and what types of activities you do to practice. Generally speaking, most people need around two weeks to see certain improvements in their spoken English skills. However, everyone learns at a different pace, so some people may take longer while others may progress more quickly.

What is the best way to improve my English speaking skills?

There is no one answer to the question of how to get better at speaking since everyone learns differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, some good ideas include taking an online course, practicing with a native speaker, and listening to English-language news sources or podcasts. Additionally, many people find that setting goals and using a language learning app or program can help them to stay on track with their goals.

Do I need to be perfect at grammar to improve my English speaking skills?

No, you do not need to be perfect at grammar to improve your speaking skills. However, it is important to have a basic understanding of grammar rules in order to be able to construct sentences correctly and communicate effectively. If you are unclear about certain grammar points, you can sign up for a course provided by Promova. This way, you will be able to get help from a qualified tutor and receive feedback on your progress.

What common mistakes do people make when trying to improve their English speaking skills?

Many people try to learn English by memorizing rules or studying excessively. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve mastery of the language, it is important to remember that speaking is a skill that is best developed through practice and conversation. Some people avoid speaking English altogether because they are afraid of making mistakes. However, this is actually one of the worst things you can do, as it will only make it harder to improve your skills in the long run.


Braden GravesSep 21st, 2023
the suggestions in this article are spot on. I'm already seeing improvements in my english fluency
PromovaJun 21st, 2023
Absolutely! To overcome the fear of making mistakes while speaking and gain confidence in conversations, consider these strategies: embrace mistakes as learning opportunities, practice in supportive environments, shift focus to effective communication rather than perfection, set achievable goals, and celebrate your progress along the way. Confidence will gradually grow with consistent effort and a positive mindset.
Cate BolyardJun 21st, 2023
How can one overcome the fear of making mistakes while speaking and gain more confidence in conversational situations?