Understanding Italian Numbers: Master the Language with Top Tips

Can you imagine mastering any language without learning numbers? Italian is no exception. Of course, it’s not the first thing to consider, as students should initially study the alphabet, conjugations, greetings, and some simple phrases useful during communication with locals. However, learning numbers in Italian is essential to reach the desired fluency level. We are here to help you master the necessary words and expressions. Don’t pass by and read below.
Start with the Basics: Simplest Numbers to Memorize
Mastering the Italian language is not simple, but persistence and regular lessons will help you achieve your goals. Every learner should know how to count in Italian; otherwise, they will be challenged to talk on different topics. Suppose you are visiting Italy and have to give your hotel address. Can you do it without knowing how to pronounce figures properly?
Or maybe you would like to order two cups of coffee in a cozy café in Roma. Of course, the language of gestures is also acceptable in the country, but it’s better to memorize the necessary words and expressions.
Learners should start with the most uncomplicated numbers in Italian, which are the basis of this topic. So, let’s see how figures from one to ten are written and pronounced in the Italian language. Look at the table below and memorize every wording:
Number in Italian | Transcription | English translation |
Uno | [ˈuno] | One |
Due | [ˈdue] | Two |
Tre | [ˈtre] | Three |
Quattro | [ˈkwattro] | Four |
Cinque | [t͡ʃˈinkwe] | Five |
Sei | [sˈɛi] | Six |
Sette | [sˈɛtːe] | Seven |
Otto | [ˈɔtːo] | Eight |
Nove | [nˈɔve] | Nine |
Dieci | [djˈɛt͡ʃɪ] | Ten |
Can you learn the above words quickly? Take time to remember everything from the above table and try to implement the Italian numbers in your speech. After learning 1–10 figures and their pronunciation, you can move forward and study more words to replenish your vocabulary.

Many say Italian is among the easiest second languages for English speakers. Even though they are from different groups, they share many similarities. On the other hand, numbers in Italian are not so similar to those in English. In any case, mastering the language requires time and effort, so start as early as possible and strengthen your skills. Let’s pay attention to numbers from eleven to twenty and find out how to pronounce them:
Number in Italian | Transcription | English translation |
Undici | [ˈundit͡ʃɪ] | Eleven |
Dodici | [dˈodit͡ʃɪ] | Twelve |
Tredici | [trˈedit͡ʃɪ] | Thirteen |
Quattordici | [kwatːˈordit͡ʃɪ] | Fourteen |
Quindici | [kwˈindit͡ʃɪ] | Fifteen |
Sedici | [sˈedit͡ʃɪ] | Sixteen |
Diciassette | [dit͡ʃas͡sˈɛtːe] | Seventeen |
Diciotto | [dit͡ʃˈɔtːo] | Eighteen |
Diciannove | [dit͡ʃannˈɔve] | Nineteen |
Venti | [vˈɛntɪ] | Twenty |
It’s hard to say many words from this table share many similarities if you compare the same numbers in Italian and English. However, it might be easier to memorize them if you have already learned numbers from one to ten. Take time to comprehend everything listed above, as numbers from one to twenty are essential to move further and understand bigger figures.
Count in Italian: Numbers from 21 to 100
Learning the first twenty numbers is a good start, but what if you need to talk about bigger figures? Don’t worry, we’ve prepared everything necessary for you. Numbers starting at 21 seem more complicated, but understanding how they are formed and seeing the examples will help you quickly sort everything out. So, let’s continue our lesson:
Number in Italian | Transcription | English Translation |
Ventuno | [ventˈuno] | Twenty-one |
Ventidue | [ventidˈue] | Twenty-two |
Ventitré | [ventitrˈe] | Twenty-three |
Ventiquattro | [ventikwˈatːro] | Twenty-four |
Venticinque | [ventit͡ʃˈinkwe] | Twenty-five |
Ventisei | [ventɪsˈɛj] | Twenty-six |
Ventisette | [ventisˈɛtːe] | Twenty-seven |
Ventotto | [ventˈɔtːo] | Twenty-eight |
Ventinove | [ventinˈove] | Twenty-nine |
Trenta | [trˈɛnta] | Thirty |
Trentuno | [trentˈuno] | Thirty-one |
Trentadue | [trentadˈue] | Thirty-two |
Quaranta | [kwaɾˈanta] | Forty |
Cinquanta | [t͡ʃinkwˈanta] | Fifty |
Sessanta | [ses͡sˈanta] | Sixty |
Settanta | [setːˈanta] | Seventy |
Ottanta | [otːˈanta] | Eighty |
Novanta | [novˈanta] | Ninety |
Cento | [t͡ʃˈɛnto] | One hundred |
We haven’t added every number from twenty-one to one hundred on this table, as the list would be very long. Forming numbers in Italian is simple, as you take words like “venti” or “trenta” and add the final figure you need. For instance, thirty-seven will be translated as “trentasette.” Learning this system is essential, as it will help you understand all the numbers and form the necessary wordings without doubt. You will use them daily when communicating with native speakers.
However, consider that there’s one exception when forming figures with “uno” or “otto” at the end. The last vowel in the tens part must be omitted. Italians don’t say “ventiotto” or “trentauno.” They use “ventotto” [ventˈɔtːo] (twenty-eight) and “trentuno” [trentˈuno] (thirty-one) instead. Memorize this rule and always remember it when speaking about numbers. Don’t worry if you make some mistakes at the beginning, as it’s typical for learners! More practice will help you develop skills.
Tips on Learning How to Say the Numbers in Italian
It’s evident you will only get proficiency in any language after mastering its basics. And numbers are precisely what every speaker needs. You might not have noticed how often you use figures, even if you are far from a math specialist. Paying bills, listing a phone number, and many other daily affairs are impossible without knowing numbers. Several tips on mastering language are excellent ideas for every learner. Of course, we’ve prepared some for our readers:
- Don’t try to memorize everything in one day; divide all numbers into several parts and learn them step by step.
- Listen to podcasts, especially those where numbers are mentioned frequently.
- Try to implement figures in your daily speech to get more practice.
- Read out loud and repeat the words to practice your speaking skills.
- Keep your receipts and endeavor to re-read them after shopping (the more you spend, the higher numbers you can memorize!).
- Remember that regularity is the key to success, so try to devote at least 15 minutes daily to learning.
You are lucky if your work or study is connected to figures; in this case, you can get more practice when performing your routine tasks. Just say the numbers you see in Italian. This approach will help you memorize the necessary words faster and implement them daily.
Mastering any language on your own is possible, as you can find plenty of helpful materials online. For instance, dictionaries are the best solution to learning new words’ meanings and replenishing your vocabulary. The best sources include PONS Translations and WordReference. They will become your loyal assistants for mastering the Italian language and strengthening your knowledge daily. Tutors recommend highlighting every word or phrase you haven’t known before and searching for its meaning to memorize it faster.
Let’s Learn Italian Numbers and Many More with Promova
Self-learning is accessible to everyone, but mastering the language independently is complicated for a lot of people. For many, attending exciting lessons is a great idea. The Promova platform offers guided courses with numerous new words daily and thrilling quizzes for students. They were developed by proficient tutors and are regularly updated for users to strengthen their skills and dip into language learning.
You can join Promova anytime from any device, so your interactive classes will always be in your pocket. Students can enjoy the web version or download our app for even more convenience. You can use the free version or join the Premium subscription. Pay attention to the Promova guided course as a convenient and exciting way to master the language and reach the desired fluency. Numerous useful topics are available for students of all levels.
It’s impossible to imagine a proficient speaker who cannot pronounce numbers. Therefore, it’s essential to explore this topic when beginning to learn the language. Italian numbers 1-100 are not as complicated as they seem at first glance, but persistence and the desire to achieve results should be your primary motivation. We are confident that knowing numbers will be helpful for everyone.
Just imagine yourself traveling to Italy. You’ll have the desire to communicate with people, right? In this case, it’s better to learn this topic beforehand. Memorize all the words listed on this page and implement them in your speech to get more practice.
What are the most efficient ways to practice my Italian speaking skills?
It might be evident, but traveling to Italy and communicating with locals is the best idea to expand your knowledge. However, we understand that not all people have the chance to fly to the pizza motherland immediately. But still, practicing speaking and listening skills is essential when learning the language. In this case, talking in front of the mirror, singing songs, watching movies in Italian, and reading books are the most efficient methods. Moreover, remember to count from one to one hundred in Italian regularly.
How do you say “thousand” and “million” in Italian?
“Mille” [mˈille] is the word to talk about 1,000, while “milione” [miliˈone] is translated as 1,000,000. Two thousand and three thousand sound like “duemila” [dʊemˈila] and “tremila,” [tremˈila] respectively. However, remember that you should master the bigger numbers only if you are confident that you’ve already learned the basics and are used to implementing them in your speech.
How do you speak about years in Italian?
Let’s take the year 1932 as our example. It’s required to start with the biggest number (“mille” [mˈille]). Then, use the century (it’s “novecento” [novet͡ʃˈɛnto] in this case). The smallest figure goes last (“trentadue”). As a result, we get “millenovecento trentadue” [millenovet͡ʃˈɛnto trentadˈue]. We know it seems complicated at the beginning, but understanding the basics will help you discuss any year without making mistakes.
Is the word “uno” only translated as “one?”
No, this wording can be used with different meanings in the Italian language. Besides “one,” it can be translated as “each” or “some.” The word can also replace the indefinite article “a/an.” “Uno” is also used when referring to man.