How to Effectively Practice Speaking English with Native Speakers

Anna NaumovychRevisado porKateryna Protsenko / más sobre Proceso editorial13 min
Creado: Nov 13, 2023Última actualización: Mar 18, 2024
English with Native Speakers

English speaking practice online with native speakers is one of the most effective ways to improve fluency and gain confidence. Immersing yourself in real English conversations allows you to apply what you’ve learned in a practical setting. 

In this article, we’ll explore strategies to help you maximize your practice sessions with native English partners so you can rapidly boost your spoken English abilities.

Benefits of Practicing English Speaking with Native Speakers

Conversing with native English speakers provides many advantages that accelerate your language learning:

  • Gain exposure to authentic English pronunciation and speech patterns

When you practice with native speakers, you're exposed to the nuances of pronunciation and speech patterns that textbooks often can't capture. This exposure is invaluable for improving your language skills.

  • Receive immediate feedback to correct mistakes in vocabulary or grammar

Native speakers can point out errors and provide corrections in real time, which helps you learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating them.

  • Improve listening comprehension of fast-paced native speech

Native speakers naturally speak at a quicker pace, and practicing with them will enhance your ability to understand conversations at real-world speeds.

  • Develop fluency by having natural conversations at a normal speed

Engaging in authentic conversations helps you speak more fluently and naturally. This fluency is key to sounding like a native speaker.

  • Expand your active vocabulary through the use of idioms and real-world phrases

Native speakers often use idioms and phrases that textbooks might not cover. Interacting with them exposes you to these expressions, making your language more natural and idiomatic.

  • Get motivation from seeing your skills improve through regular practice

Regular interaction with native speakers provides a clear sense of progress and motivates you to continue learning and improving.

  • Gain cultural insights and make connections by chatting about everyday life

Language is a window into culture, and practicing with native speakers allows you to learn about their culture, traditions, and daily life, fostering a deeper connection.

Tips for Finding Native English Speakers to Practice With

  • Join an online community

To learn English speaking online, find platforms for conversation exchange, where you can be matched with native speakers interested in learning your native language. Both parties benefit by practicing their non-native languages together.

  • Enroll in a conversational English course

Promova offers English conversation courses where you can practice with native tutors and fellow English learners during live online lessons. This provides guided practice in a supportive environment.

  • Find language partners through social media

Use social media platforms like FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. They make it easy to connect with native English speakers worldwide who want to improve their language skills. Join relevant groups and follow language exchange accounts to find potential practice partners.

  • Search for local English language meetups and conversation clubs

If you prefer face-to-face interaction, look for English language meetups or events in your area. These gatherings are excellent opportunities to meet native speakers.

  • Explore volunteering opportunities

Volunteering is a rewarding way to practice English while also contributing to a cause you care about. Shelters, community centers, libraries, and other organizations often need English-speaking volunteers.

There are dozens of websites and apps to learn a language for free by chatting with native speakers around the world. They also make it convenient to find language exchange partners who match your interests.

Preparing for a Speaking Session

Having productive practice sessions requires some preparation.

Setting Clear Expectations for the Exchange

Before your practice session, establish clear expectations:

Focus on one language per session

Agree with your partner to dedicate each session to one language (English or your native language). This helps ensure equal practice for both participants.

Set goals for each participant

Discuss what you each want to achieve during the session. Setting specific goals keeps your practice focused and productive.

Choosing Topics of Interest to Stay Engaged

Select fun, interesting topics to discuss

Choose conversation topics that genuinely interest both you and your partner. Topics could include hobbies, entertainment, technology, or recent experiences. This ensures engaging and enjoyable conversations.

Do some research and have questions ready

Before the session, research the chosen topics and prepare a list of questions. Having questions ready ensures a smooth flow of conversation and minimizes awkward pauses.

Practice using the new vocabulary you want to use

If you're learning new vocabulary, make an effort to incorporate it into your conversation. This reinforces your learning and helps you remember and apply new words and phrases.

During the Speaking Session

To get the most out of language exchanges, keep these tips in mind:

Balance contribution

Take turns talking and listen actively. Ensure both you and your partner have an opportunity to speak and listen. Equal participation promotes effective practice.

Ask follow-up questions

To keep the conversation flowing naturally, ask follow-up questions based on your partner's responses. This encourages a more dynamic and engaging exchange.

Give and receive feedback respectfully

Constructive feedback is essential for improvement. Be open to feedback from your partner, and provide feedback in a respectful and supportive manner.


Improving Your Speaking Skills

With regular practice, you can improve specific aspects of your spoken English.

Focus on pronouncing difficult sounds and words correctly

Identify the sounds or words that challenge you the most and work on them specifically. Your partner can help by providing guidance and corrections.

Work on speaking more smoothly and reducing filler words

Frequent use of filler words like "umm" can hinder the flow of your speech. Make a conscious effort to reduce these fillers for more fluent conversation.

Expand vocabulary for everyday conversations

Enhance your vocabulary by learning and using words and phrases relevant to everyday topics such as food, family, travel, and work. This broadens your ability to engage in various conversations.

Managing Language Anxiety

Speaking in a foreign language can be stressful at first.

Understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process

No one becomes fluent without making errors along the way. Just practice English speaking and embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth.

Focus more on communicating ideas than speaking perfectly

Remember that effective communication is the goal. It's okay if you're not perfect; what matters is getting your message across.

Create a judgment-free environment

Both you and your partner are learning, so create a safe space where making mistakes is normal and not met with judgment.

Gradually push yourself to speak more

Start with simpler conversations and gradually work your way up to more complex topics. This progressive approach helps you build confidence over time.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Practice Sessions

Here are some tips to optimize your language exchanges.

Be open to making mistakes and laughing them off

Humor can relieve tension and make the learning experience more enjoyable. Don't take mistakes too seriously.

Don't hesitate to ask questions for clarification

If there's something you don't understand, ask your partner for clarification. Learning is a two-way street, and asking questions is a crucial part of the process.

Set achievable goals

Define clear and attainable objectives for each practice session, such as learning a specific number of new words or improving your pronunciation. These goals keep you motivated and on track.

Practice consistently for at least 30 minutes per session

Regular English speaking practice online is essential for language improvement. Aim for at least 30 minutes per session to see noticeable progress.

Find a practice partner who is a good fit for you

Compatibility with your practice partner matters. Find someone whose personality and interests align with yours for a more enjoyable and effective practice.

Schedule regular calls

Consistency is key. Make a commitment to practice with your partner regularly, whether it's weekly or several times a week.

Build a personal rapport

The more comfortable you feel with your partner, the more effective your practice sessions will be. Take time to get to know each other beyond just language exchange.

Use exchanges to learn about cultural perspectives

Engaging with a native speaker is a chance to explore their culture, traditions, and viewpoints. Make the most of this opportunity to broaden your horizons.

From Everyday Chatter to In-Depth Discussions with Native Speakers

Embarking on conversations with native English speakers is a multifaceted journey that evolves with your language proficiency. Beginners can kick off with simple yet impactful topics such as personal introductions, hobbies, and daily routines. These initial exchanges not only lay the foundation for essential language skills but also instill the confidence to navigate more complex dialogues. 

As you advance, delve into deeper discussions, exploring current events, cultural insights, and engaging in thought-provoking debates. For those at an advanced level, the spectrum widens to include literature, scientific concepts, and technological advancements. Adapting your conversational topics to different proficiency levels ensures holistic language development, transforming each interaction into a rich and educational experience.

List of Topics

Foundational Conversations for Beginner Level

  • Crafting personal narratives: Share the pivotal moments that shaped your life, from childhood anecdotes to significant milestones.
  • Passion unleashed: Dive into discussions about hobbies and interests, exploring the intricacies of your favorite activities—be it a love for photography, gardening, or gaming.
  • Daily chronicles: Illuminate the nuances of your routine, offering a glimpse into your everyday life and experiences, whether it's navigating work commitments or savoring a cup of morning coffee.

Elevating Discourse for Intermediate Level

  • Global perspectives: Explore current events, discussing impactful news stories such as climate change, international politics, or social justice issues.
  • Cultural kaleidoscope: Share insights into your cultural background and traditions, fostering a rich exchange of perspectives on topics like family dynamics, festive celebrations, and cultural practices.
  • Friendly debates: Engage in casual debates, discussing diverse topics such as the merits of sustainable living, the influence of technology on society, or the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.

Intellectual Explorations for Advanced Level

  • Literary insights: Analyze literary works, from classic novels to contemporary literature, discussing themes, characters, and narrative techniques that captivate your intellectual curiosity.
  • Scientific frontiers: Delve into cutting-edge scientific concepts, exploring topics like quantum physics, genetic advancements, or the potential implications of artificial intelligence.
  • Tech horizons: Explore the latest technological advancements, from the ethics of self-driving cars to the possibilities of space exploration, fostering conversations at the forefront of innovation and discovery.

English Teacher

Overcoming Language Anxiety

Navigating language anxiety during online English classes with native speakers is a common concern for learners. Overcoming this hurdle is pivotal for productive practice and increased fluency. 

Here are some practical strategies to help you confidently embrace speaking sessions, progressing from simplicity to complexity, and incorporating mindfulness techniques. These tips, coupled with a supportive environment, whether with language partners or within the Promova community, will empower you to conquer language anxiety and make the most of your English learning journey.

  • Start with simple topics: Choose conversation topics that align with your comfort level. Starting with familiar subjects to practice English speaking allows you to ease into the conversation, building your confidence gradually.
  • Gradually increase complexity: As you become more comfortable, challenge yourself by gradually introducing more complex subjects. This progression helps you expand your vocabulary and tackle diverse language scenarios.
  • Incorporate mindfulness techniques: Practice deep breathing exercises before and during speaking sessions. Mindfulness techniques help calm nerves, improve focus, and enhance your overall speaking experience.
  • Create a positive environment: Foster a judgment-free space for yourself. Whether practicing with a language partner or engaging within a supportive community like Promova, positivity promotes a relaxed atmosphere conducive to effective learning.
  • Set realistic expectations: Understand that language learning is a journey, and mistakes are a natural part of the process. Setting realistic expectations for yourself allows room for improvement without undue pressure.

Conquering language anxiety is a gradual process, and each step you take contributes to your growing confidence and proficiency in spoken English.

How to Practice Speaking English Without Talking to Native Speakers

If you can't practice English with native speakers, these tactics can still boost your skills.

Use chatbots with AI conversational abilities

Many language learning apps and websites offer chatbots with interactive conversations. These can help you practice speaking and responding in English.

Talk to smart assistants like Siri or Alexa

Interact with personal assistants, responding to their prompts and questions out loud in English. This can improve your ability to understand and converse with automated systems.

Watch authentic English videos

Explore a variety of content, such as music videos, movie trailers, news broadcasts, and inspiring talks. Describe what you see and hear out loud in English to practice speaking freely.

Record yourself speaking 

Recording yourself talking in English about your daily experiences, recent events, or even just describing pictures is an excellent way to enhance your conversational skills. Listening to your audio helps you identify areas for improvement.

Measuring Your Progress

Signs that your spoken English is improving include:

Noticing increased confidence over time

As you practice and become more comfortable speaking, your confidence will grow, and speaking English will feel more natural.

Being able to discuss more complex topics

As you become more proficient, you'll find it easier to engage in conversations about complex ideas and abstract subjects.

Getting better at understanding native speech

Regular practice with native speakers or authentic content will enhance your ability to understand rapid, native-level speech.

Receiving positive feedback on your fluency from English speakers

If native speakers notice and comment on your improved fluency, it's a clear indication of your progress.

Elevate Your English Speaking Skills with Promova

1-on-1 Lessons for Personalized Guidance

Our individualized 1-on-1 lessons provide a unique opportunity for personalized guidance, ensuring that your English learning journey caters specifically to your needs and goals. Our native tutors offer focused attention, addressing your strengths and areas for improvement to accelerate your language proficiency. Whether you're a beginner or looking to fine-tune specific skills (English grammarwritingspeakinglisteningreadingvocabulary, pronunciation), our 1-on-1 online English classes with native speakers are designed for your success.

Small Group Lessons for Engaging Peer Practice

Join our small group lessons for a dynamic and collaborative learning experience. Engage with fellow learners in a supportive environment, where you can practice conversational English with peers who share similar language goals. Benefit from diverse perspectives, interactive activities, and constructive feedback, making your language journey both enjoyable and effective.

Free English Conversation Club

In addition to our structured lessons, we offer a free English Conversation Club, providing a platform for learners at an intermediate level (B1 and above) to gather every week. This club is designed to enhance speaking confidence, listening skills, and pronunciation through deep conversations on various topics. Facilitated by certified tutors, our conversation club is an excellent opportunity to make new friends and gain practical speaking experience in a supportive virtual environment. Register, get your invite, and join our club to enrich your English journey.

Get Started with Promova

Embark on your English language adventure with minimal requirements.

  • Internet connection: A stable internet connection is all you need to connect with our experienced tutors and fellow learners from around the world.
  • Computer or phone: Whether you prefer learning on your computer or phone, our platform is accessible on both devices (website / Android and iOS apps), providing flexibility and convenience.
  • Working speakers and microphone: Immerse yourself in real-time conversations with clear audio using working speakers and a microphone. For an optimal experience, consider using a headset.
  • The courage to try: We understand that stepping into a new language can be daunting, but at Promova, we encourage you to embrace the journey with courage. Our supportive tutors and welcoming community create a safe space for you to practice, make mistakes, and grow in confidence. Your willingness to try is the key to unlocking your full potential in English fluency.


Embarking on English speaking practice online with native speakers opens doors to unparalleled growth in language proficiency. This guide equips you with strategies to not only find language partners and optimize sessions but also to navigate language anxiety with confidence. By embracing real conversational practice, you're not just honing language skills; you're fostering connections, gaining cultural insights, and accelerating your journey toward fluency. 

So, dive into the world of authentic conversations with Promova, where each interaction becomes a stepping stone toward your language goals. Don't let language anxiety hinder your progress; let it be the fuel that propels you toward amazing linguistic growth.


Where can I find native English speakers to practice with for free?

Great free options include language exchange apps and websites, English language meetup groups in your area, and social media groups focused on language learning and exchanges.

How long should a speaking practice session last?

Aim for at least 30 minutes per session for it to be worthwhile. One hour is ideal for an extended exchange allowing both parties equal time to converse and give feedback.

What if I'm shy about speaking English with native speakers?

It's normal to feel shy at first! Remind yourself people are there to help you improve, not judge. Joining a supportive community like Promova helps build confidence.

Is it beneficial to practice with speakers from different English-speaking regions?

Yes, it can be highly beneficial. Engaging with speakers from diverse English-speaking regions exposes you to various accents, colloquialisms, and cultural nuances, enhancing your overall language proficiency.

What topics should I discuss when practicing English?

Pick fun everyday topics you're interested in like sports, cooking, technology, travel, music, etc. Preparing a list of questions ahead of time can help conversations flow smoothly.

What strategies can I use to overcome language anxiety during English-speaking sessions?

Overcoming language anxiety is crucial for effective practice. Begin by selecting simple conversation topics that align with your comfort level, gradually progressing to more complex subjects as your confidence grows. Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, can be invaluable in keeping you calm and focused during conversations. Creating a positive and judgment-free environment contributes significantly to reducing language anxiety over time.


Poppy Nov 23rd, 2023
I'm a bit shy, but I've found that speaking with native speakers has helped me to come out of my shell