Flys vs Flies
What’s the difference between them?

Misspelling of the word “flies.”
no examples
Plural of the noun 'fly.' Flies are small flying insects belonging to the order Diptera. They can be found in almost every habitat on Earth and are known for their quick and agile flight.
1. The fly swatted at the flies that had landed on his face.
2. The flies buzzed around the picnic table.
3. The window was open, and a few flies flew into the room.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
1. Insects
2. Winged insects
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Flys", "Flies".

1. 'Flies' rhymes with 'skies' and 'pies,' which can remind you that it's used for the plural of the insect and also as a verb form.
2. 'Flys' is not an English word, so if you think of 'skies' and 'pies,' it might help you remember that 'flies' is the correct spelling.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word 'Flys'?
The word 'Flys' is not a correct word in the English language. It is an incorrect spelling of the word 'flies' and should not be used.
When to use the second word 'Flies'?
The word 'flies' is an English verb meaning to move through the air, especially by means of wings. It is also a plural noun of the word 'fly.' It can be used in many different contexts, such as 'The bird flies across the sky' or 'The flies are around the garden.'
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
No, the words 'Flys' and 'Flies' do not have the same pronunciation. 'Flys' is an incorrect spelling and should not be used, so it does not have a pronunciation. The correct word 'Flies' is pronounced with two syllables: 'FLY-eez.'
What are common mistakes associated with words 'Flys' and 'Flies'?
The most common mistake associated with the words 'Flys' and 'Flies' is using the incorrect spelling 'Flys.' This is not a correct word in English and should not be used. The correct word is 'Flies' and it is pronounced with two syllables: 'FLY-eez.' Other mistakes associated with the words include confusing them with the noun 'fly' (a type of insect) or the verb 'flee' (to run away).
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. What animal _________?
2. One fly _________.
3. A swarm of _________ in the sky.
4. The _________ buzzed around my head.
5. I hate when _________ come inside the house.
6. I used the fly swatter to get rid of the _________.
1. Answer: Flies.
Explanation: Flies is the third person singular present form of the verb fly, and the correct answer in this sentence.
2. Answer: Flies.
Explanation: Similar to the above explanation, Flies is the third person singular present form of the verb fly.
3. Answer: Flies.
Explanation: This is the third person plural form of the noun fly.
4. Answer: Flies.
Explanation: This is the third person plural form of the noun fly.
5. Answer: Flies.
Explanation: This is the third person plural form of the noun fly.
6. Answer: Flies.
Explanation: This is the third person plural form of the noun fly.
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