What part of speech is “work”

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A noun is a person, place, thing, animal, or concept. In this sense, 'play' is a thing or concept as it can refer to an activity or entertainment.

It is typically used in the context of a game, sport, or drama, but it can also refer to any form of recreation.

'I love watching plays at the theatre.'

'This play was written by William Shakespeare.'

The singular and plural of 'play' are both spelled the same, but the plural is typically used to refer to multiple performances of the same play, or multiple games of some type of sport.


a verb is a part of speech that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being. When used as a verb, the word 'work' is used to refer to the process of doing labor.

when 'work' is used as a verb, it can take a few different forms. It can be used in the infinitive form, such as in the phrase 'I am working hard', or in its conjugated forms, such as in the phrase 'She works quickly'. As a verb, the word 'work' can also refer to causing something to function properly, as in 'The button isn’t working'. Depending on the context, 'work' can also be used to replace some forms of 'to make' in certain word combinations, such as 'work a deal', 'work an agreement', or 'work a plan'.

He is working two jobs to make ends meet.

We need to work out a solution to this problem.

when using 'work' as a verb, be sure not to confuse it with the homophone 'wreak' – which means to cause extensive damage or distress to something. Additionally, be mindful of using the proper form of 'work' in the correct context, as using the infinitive form in place of the conjugated form can come off as grammatically incorrect.

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