Fulfil vs Fulfill
What’s the difference between them?

To carry out or complete something successfully; to satisfy a need or request.
1. She was determined to fulfil her promise to clean the kitchen before dinner.
2. The journey had fulfilled her lifelong dreams of seeing the world.
3. Upon completion of his studies, he was finally able to fulfil his dream of becoming a doctor.
Meaning is the same, but such spelling is mostly used in American English.
1. She was determined to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor.
2. I was overjoyed when I was able to fulfill my duties as a volunteer.
3. She was able to fulfill her promise and pay off her loan.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Fulfil", "Fulfill".

Remember that one letter 'L' always goes for British spelling and two letters 'L' go for American spelling.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word 'fulfil'?
The word 'fulfil' is usually used in British English. It is used to mean to carry out, accomplish, or complete something. It is often used in the context of satisfying obligations or requirements. For example, 'The company fulfilled its promise to donate money to the charity.'
When to use the second word 'fulfill'?
The word 'fulfill' is typically used in American English. It has the same meaning as 'fulfil' and is often used interchangeably. For example, 'We fulfilled our goal of raising $1000 for the fundraiser.'
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, both words are pronounced identically: 'ful-fill'.
What are common mistakes associated with these words?
One of the most common mistakes is not using the correct spelling. In British English, the correct spelling is 'fulfil', while in American English, the correct spelling is 'fulfill'. Furthermore, some people mistakenly use 'fulfilled' instead of 'fulfilled' when talking about a past action. For example, 'We had fulfilled our goal.' should be 'We had fulfilled our goal.'
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. She worked hard to ______ her dream of becoming a doctor.
2. In the United States, it is common to ______ a prescription at the pharmacy.
3. Its his dream to ______ a role in a big Hollywood movie.
4. In the UK, its often a requirement to ______ all criteria to be considered for a position.
5. The charity aims to ______ the needs of the local community.
6. In British English, words like colour and ______ are spelled differently than in American English.
1. Answer: fulfil or fulfill
Explanation: There is no specific clue in the sentence to indicate whether American or British English should be used, so both fulfil and fulfill are acceptable answers.
2. Answer: fulfill
Explanation: The sentence provides a clue by mentioning the United States, which indicates that the American English spelling, fulfill, should be used.
3. Answer: fulfill
Explanation: Without a direct clue in this sentence and to challenge the learners, the American English spelling fulfill is used here to alternate from the previous spelling.
4. Answer: fulfil
Explanation: The sentence provides a clue by mentioning in the UK, which indicates that the British English spelling, fulfil, should be used.
5. Answer: fulfil or fulfill
Explanation: There is no specific clue in the sentence to indicate whether American or British English should be used, so both fulfil and fulfill are acceptable answers.
6. Answer: fulfil
Explanation: The sentence provides a clue by discussing British English spelling and giving an example (colour), indicating that fulfil, which is British English spelling, should be used.
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