Some vs Some Of
What’s the difference between them?

Some is an indefinite pronoun that means an unspecified amount or number.
1. Can I have some of those cookies?
2. She wanted to buy some new clothes for the upcoming season.
3. He has some experience in marketing.
Some Of
Some of means 'a portion of, but not all of.'
1. Some of the students in the class are going on the field trip tomorrow.
2. I sampled some of the dishes at the restaurant, and they were all delicious.
3. Some of the books on the shelf are fiction, while others are non-fiction.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Certain
2. Particular
3. Number
4. Specific
5. Certain amount/quantity
1. None
2. Few
3. Little
4. Opposite
5. Not at all
Some Of
1. A number of
2. Certain
3. Few
4. A handful of
5. A selection of
1. All
2. None
3. Very Few
4. Very Little
5. A Minuscule Amount
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Some", "Some Of".

1. When referencing a specific subset or portion of a known group, you'll need 'some of'.
2. Without 'of', 'some' can refer to an unspecified amount in general, like 'I have some apples.'
3. If 'some' is immediately followed by a plural noun or another pronoun (them, us, you), then 'of' is required in between. For instance, 'some of the books' or 'some of them.'
4. Think of 'some' as a general term. If you're not pointing towards a specific group, just use 'some.' For a specific subset of a known group, add 'of' to point towards that particular portion.
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Frequently asked questions
When should the word 'some' be used?
Some is an indefinite pronoun and should be used when referring to an unspecified amount or number. For example, 'I need some help with this project' or 'Would you like some ice cream?'
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'some of'?
Some of should be used when referring to a portion of a larger group or quantity, but not the entirety. For example, 'Some of my friends are going to the concert, but not all of them' or 'I need to buy some of the ingredients for this recipe.'
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, some is pronounced /sʌm/, while some of is pronounced /sʌm ov/
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Common mistakes people make when using these words include using 'some' when they should be using 'some of' (e.g. 'I need some more ingredients' should be 'I need some of the ingredients') or leaving out 'of' altogether (e.g. 'I need some the ingredients' should be 'I need some of the ingredients').
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. _____ the books on the shelf are mine.
2. _____ my friends are coming to the party tonight.
3. I have _____ cookies in the jar if you want.
4. _____ the milk has spilled on the floor!
5. _____ the apples in the basket are rotten.
6. Can I have _____ those candies?
1. Some of the books on the shelf are mine.
Explanation: Some of is used here because the books is a specific set of books were referring to.
2. Some of my friends are coming to the party tonight.
Explanation: Some of is used with my friends as were referring to a specific subset of the known group my friends.
3. I have some cookies in the jar if you want.
Explanation: We use some here because were talking about an unspecified quantity of cookies in general.
4. Some of the milk has spilled on the floor!
Explanation: Some of is used with the milk because were talking about a portion of a specific quantity of milk.
5. Some of the apples in the basket are rotten.
Explanation: Here were talking about a portion of a specific set of apples, those in the basket, so some of is appropriate.
6. Can I have some of those candies?
Explanation: Some of is used here because those candies refers to a specific set of candies being pointed out or mentioned.
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