Acknowledgement vs Acknowledgment
What’s the difference between them?

The act of acknowledging or recognizing something; a declaration of acceptance, receipt, or understanding.
1. I would like to thank all of my family and friends for their support and acknowledgement of my achievements.
2. The author thanked everyone for their acknowledgement of his work in the acknowledgements page of the book.
3. She was grateful for the acknowledgement of her efforts and dedication to the project.
Meaning is the same, but such spelling is mostly used in American English.
1. I am grateful for your acknowledgment of my achievements.
2. Please accept this small token of acknowledgment for your hard work.
3. We would like to express our acknowledgment for your generous donation.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Gratitude
2. Recognition
3. Show of appreciation
4. Thankfulness
5. Acknowledgment of receipt
1. Denial
2. Refusal
3. Rejection
4. Neglect
5. Dismissal
1. Gratitude
2. Recognition
3. Show of appreciation
4. Thankfulness
5. Acknowledgment of receipt
1. Denial
2. Refusal
3. Rejection
4. Neglect
5. Dismissal
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Acknowledgement", "Acknowledgment".

1.'Acknowledgment' is the preferred spelling in American English.
2. 'Acknowledgement' is preferred in British English.
3. A mnemonic phrase to help remember the difference between the two is 'Ack-knowledge-ment with an E for England'.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the word 'Acknowledgement' be used?
The word ‘acknowledgement’ should be used to express recognition or appreciation for something, such as a person’s efforts, actions, or support. It can also be used to refer to the act of accepting something as factual or true – such as acknowledgement of a mistake or an apology.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'Acknowledgment'?
The word ‘acknowledgment’ is typically used to refer to the act of recognizing something or someone officially or publicly. This spelling is more widely recognized in American English.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, the two words ‘acknowledgement’ and ‘acknowledgment’ are pronounced identically.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
A common mistake when using these words is to spell ‘acknowledgement’ as ‘acknowledgment’. Another mistake is to use either of the words incorrectly in different regions.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. She gave a nod of ________ when she received the information.
2. The museum received a generous donation, and the donors name is listed in the ________ section.
3. After publishing his book in London, the author made sure to include an ________ for all those who supported his research.
4. In the American journal, the ________ of the researchers peers was evident.
5. The receipt served as an ________ of the payment made.
6. The seminar held at Cambridge included an ________ of all the contributors at the end.
1. Acknowledgment/Acknowledgement
Explanation: No specific regional context is provided in the sentence. Both Acknowledgment (American English) and Acknowledgement (British English) can be correct.
2. Acknowledgment/Acknowledgement
Explanation: The sentence doesnt provide a distinct clue pointing to either American or British English. Therefore, both spellings are acceptable.
3. Acknowledgement
Explanation: The mention of London provides a clue that suggests the use of the British spelling, which is Acknowledgement.
4. Acknowledgment
Explanation: The term American journal gives a hint to use the American English spelling, which is Acknowledgment.
5. Acknowledgment/Acknowledgement
Explanation: No regional context is provided in the sentence. Both spellings can be correct, with Acknowledgment being more common in American English and Acknowledgement in British English.
6. Acknowledgement
Explanation: The mention of Cambridge points towards the British context, making Acknowledgement the preferred spelling.
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