What part of speech is “just”

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the adjective form of 'just' conveys a sense of properness, reasonability. It is also used as adjective to demonstrate that something follows the rules.

It was a just decision given the circumstances.

The king was known for his just rule over the kingdom.

They fought for a just cause.

just as an adjective often carries a weight of moral or ethical judgment. It's not merely about correctness but about fairness or righteousness. Don't confuse the adjectival use of 'just' (meaning fair or righteous) with its more common adverbial use (indicating time, emphasis, or limitation).


as an adverb, 'just' is versatile and can be used to indicate time, emphasis, or limitation. It can refer to actions that occurred a short time ago, emphasize the exactness or suitability of something, or limit the scope of a statement.

'Just' can be used to describe something that happened a very short time ago. It can be used to emphasize the exactness, correctness, or suitability of something. 'Just' can limit the statement to what is being specified.

I've just finished my homework.

It's just what I wanted for my birthday!

I just wanted to say hello.

In British English, 'just' is often used with the present perfect tense (e.g., 'I've just arrived'). In American English, it's common to use 'just' with the simple past (e.g., 'I just arrived'). 'Just' can also be used to suggest something was barely achieved, e.g., 'He just managed to pass the exam.' Be cautious about placement. 'Just' should be placed before the main verb or before the verb 'to be'. For instance, 'I just have seen him' is incorrect; it should be 'I have just seen him.'

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