Supercede vs Supersede
What’s the difference between them?

Common misspelling of 'supersede.'
no examples
To take the place of (something or someone) as being more important or preferable; replace.
1. The new regulations supersede the existing ones.
2. His latest invention superseded all previous attempts.
3. The updated version of the software will supersede the older version.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
1. Precede
2. Replace
3. Override
4. Take precedence over
5. Outweigh
1. Subordinate
2. Undermine
3. Follow
4. Surrender
5. Abide by
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Supercede", "Supersede".

1. 'Supersede' is the correct spelling, while 'supercede' is a misspelling.
2. Mnemonic Phrase: 'Supersede' always have no 'c.'
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
The word supercede should be used when referring to a power or authority to modify or replace a policy, law, contract, or obligation. It is a legal term that implies a previous certitude has been replaced by a new one.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
The word supersede should be used when referring to substituting something for another, putting aside something for a better one, or taking the place of something in general. It does not necessarily refer to the legal concept of modifying or replacing a policy, law, contract, or obligation.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, the two words share the same pronunciation. It is pronounced 'suh-per-seed'.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
A common mistake people make when using these words is confusing the meanings, as they are close in spelling but have different meanings. It is important to remember that supercede is a legal term referring to replacing a policy, law, contract, or obligation, while supersede is a more general term referring to substituting or taking the place of something.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The old policy was __________ by the new one.
2. We must ___________ the current regulations with the new ones.
3. The new version of the software will ____________ the previous one.
4. He has been ___________ by a colleague in his job.
5. The courts decision ___________ the previous verdict.
6. The company has decided to ___________ its old product with a newer version.
1. Supersede
Explanation: The verb supersede means to replace something with something else or to take the place of something with something else.
2. Supersede
Explanation: The verb supersede means to take the place of something else or to replace something else.
3. Supersede
Explanation: The verb supersede means to replace something with something else or to take the place of something with something else.
4. Superseded
Explanation: The verb form superseded means to have been replaced by something else or to have taken the place of something else.
5. Superseded
Explanation: The verb form superseded means to have been replaced by something else or to have taken the place of something else.
6. Supersede
Explanation: The verb supersede means to replace something with something else or to take the place of something with something else.
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