Yoke vs Yolk
What’s the difference between them?

The definition of yoke is a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull.
1. She wore a yoke of sapphires around her neck.
2. The farmer struggled to lift the wooden yoke onto his oxen.
3. My brother and I were united under a common yoke.
The yellow, energy-rich, nutrient-rich substance found within an egg that contains fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins.
1) She separated the yolk from the whites of the egg.
2) The bright yellow yolk was surrounded by a thick white membrane.
3) I added the yolk to the mix and stirred vigorously.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Bond
2. Link
3. Connection
4. Union
5. Joining together
1. Freedom
2. Disconnect
3. Release
4. Unburden
5. Divorce
1. Egg White
2. Albumen
3. Core
4. Center
5. Yellow Center
1. Egg White
2. Separate
3. Disperse
4. Diverge
5. Disunite
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Yoke", "Yolk".

1. Yoke is a noun that refers to a wooden beam that is used to link two draft animals such as oxen together for the purpose of plowing, or any device that links two things together.
2. Yolk is a noun that refers to the yellow part of an egg which is the source of food for a developing embryo.
3. Remember that yoke is associated with linking or joining two things together, while yolk is related to eggs.
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Frequently asked questions
When should the word 'Yoke' be used?
Yoke should be used to describe either a wooden beam that connects two animals, or figuratively to describe a burden or responsibility shared by two people.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'Yolk'?
The word yolk is typically used to describe the yellow center of an egg. It can also be used figuratively to describe something that binds two or more things together.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, these words have similar pronunciation, so you have pay attention to the context to use the correct word.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people make when using these words is confusing the two homophones. Another mistake people make is using the word yoke figuratively when they should be using the word yolk.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The ___ of an egg is a yellow, round part located in the middle.
2. The ___ of a plow is a curved piece of wood that is used to fasten two animals together.
3. A ___ of oxen is a pair of oxen joined together by a wooden bar.
4. The __ of an egg is made up of fatty acids and proteins.
5. The ___ of a cart is a structure connecting two animals to a cart.
6. ___ and butter are a classic combination of ingredients for many recipes.
1. Yolk
Explanation: The yolk of an egg is a yellow, round part located in the middle. The yolk is the inner part of the egg containing the majority of the nutrients.
2. Yoke
Explanation: The yoke of a plow is a curved piece of wood that is used to fasten two animals together. Plows have a yoke, which is a U-shaped contraption that attaches to the animals and holds them together in tandem.
3. Yoke
Explanation: A yoke of oxen is a pair of oxen joined together by a wooden bar. The yoke is used to join two animals together in order to pull a load such as a plow or cart.
4. Yolk
Explanation: The yolk of an egg is made up of fatty acids and proteins. The yolk of an egg contains high amounts of fat and proteins, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and other nutrients.
5. Yoke
Explanation: The yoke of a cart is a structure connecting two animals to a cart. This yoke is attached to the two animals, allowing them to pull the cart forward.
6. Yolk
Explanation: Yolk and butter are a classic combination of ingredients for many recipes. Yolk is often used in desserts and baking as an emulsifier and thickener. Butter is used for flavor and as a fat source.
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