What part of speech is “around”

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as an adjective, 'around' is used to describe a place or time that is near or approximate to another. It is most commonly used to indicate a location or action that is close in proximity.

the word 'around' is used to indicate a nearby place or person, as well as approximate times and amounts. Additionally, it is also used to describe the overall sense of lifestyle or atmosphere of a person, place, or thing.

1. This store is around the corner.

2. I will finish work around five o'clock.

3. Sam's house has an around-the-world atmosphere.

When using 'around' as an adjective, it is important to make sure that the noun or pronoun associated with it is either singular or plural.


'around' is used to indicate a circular or directional relationship between two entities. It is used to show the physical placement or position of something in relation to another. For example, 'The cat climbed around the tree'. Here, we are indicating the cat's movement in relation to the tree. As a preposition, the word 'around' is most commonly used to show location, direction, and position.

the word 'around' is typically used with objects that have a round or circular shape. It can also be used to indicate a particular route or direction. Additionally, 'around' is often used to refer to or indicate the approximate time or number of something.

1. The ring circled around the finger.

2. She hopped around the playground.

3. We have been walking around town all day.

when used as a preposition, it is important to make sure that the noun and pronoun associated with 'around' is either singular or plural. Additionally, it is important to note that it is incorrect to use a double preposition (e.g. 'around of') when using the word 'around'.


as an adverb, 'around' is used to indicate movement that covers a wide area or has a circular or general motion. It is widely used to indicate a motion or happening in the vicinity of a certain place or time.

as an adverb, the word 'around' is used to indicate movement or action that has a circular motion, involves returning to a starting point, or covering a large area. Additionally, it is also used to indicate approximate times and numbers.

1. She is walking around the park.

2. He drove around the block.

3. We'll be back around three o'clock.

it is important to note that when using 'around' as an adverb, it is typically modifying a verb and should not be used to replace a preposition. Additionally, it is incorrect to use the double adverb construction (e.g. 'around only').

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