In vs At
What’s the difference between them?

In is a preposition that indicates an area, position, or direction.
1. In the summertime, I like to go swimming.
2. In my spare time, I like to read mystery novels.
3. In the future, I plan to pursue a degree in computer science.
At is a preposition used to indicate the position of someone or something in relation to another person, place, or thing.
1. At the grocery store, I was able to find all the ingredients I needed for dinner.
2. At 8 o'clock this morning, I had to be in the office.
3. At the top of the hill, we could see the city in the distance.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
There are no direct synonyms for this word.
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "In", "At".

1. In generally refers to enclosed spaces, such as a room, a car, or a box.
2. At is used to refer to locations that are not enclosed, such as a street corner, a store, or a park.
3. Remember that In is used for enclosed spaces and At is used for open spaces.
4. Think of the phrase, 'In the House, At the Store.'
5. Visualize the difference between In and At by imagining two circles, one inside of the other. The inner circle represents In and the outer circle represents At.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the word 'In'?
In is used to express a location within a certain space or container. For example, you would say 'I'm in the car' or 'In the box there are some toys'. It is also used to denote a period of time, such as 'in two weeks', or to refer to a certain state or condition, such as 'in a good mood'.
When to use the word 'At'?
At is used to express a location at a certain point or position, such as 'at the door', or 'at the top of the stairs'. It is also used to denote a period of time, such as 'at 4pm', or to refer to a certain event or occurrence, such as 'at the party'.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
No, the words 'in' and 'at' have different pronunciations. 'In' is pronounced /ɪn/ and 'at' is pronounced /æt/.
What are common mistakes associated with words 'in' and 'at'?
Some of the most common mistakes made when using these words are incorrectly using 'in' when 'at' should be used, and vice versa. For example, saying 'I'm in the party' instead of 'I'm at the party' or 'I'm in the corner of the room' instead of 'I'm at the corner of the room'. It's also important to remember that 'in' is used to express a period of time, such as 'in two weeks', while 'at' is used to express a particular time, such as 'at 4pm'.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. She is staying __ home.
2. He arrived __ the airport two hours ago.
3. The food is __ the fridge.
4. Its raining __ the moment.
5. Shes living __ the moment.
6. Hes sitting __ the cabinet.
1. She is staying at home.
Explanation: We use at to talk about locations that are not specific, but rather general.
2. He arrived at the airport two hours ago.
Explanation: We use at to talk about location that are not specific, but rather general.
3. The food is in the fridge.
Explanation: We use in to talk about things that are physically inside of something.
4. Its raining at the moment.
Explanation: We use at to talk about a certain point in time.
5. Shes living in the moment.
Explanation: We use in to talk about a certain period of time.
6. Hes sitting in the cabinet.
Explanation: We use in to talk about being inside the building or a certain place.
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