Calves vs Calfs
What’s the difference between them?

Calves are the muscular lower legs of a mammal, especially a cow, horse, or human.
1. The calves were grazing in the meadow.
2. The calves were born in the spring.
3. We go to the farm to bottle-feed the calves every weekend.
Common misspelling of “calves.”
no examples
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
There are no direct synonyms for this word.
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Calves", "Calfs".

1. Remember that the word 'calves' refers to the animals, while 'calfs' is an incorrect spelling.
2. Think of other words that change 'f' to 'ves' in the plural, like 'leaf' to 'leaves' or 'knife' to 'knives.' This can help reinforce the pattern.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word?
The word 'calves' should be used when talking about the lower parts of the legs of two-legged animals such as cattle, goats, and sheep. It can be used as a plural noun to refer to more than one calf, or it can refer to the singular calf in a group.
When to use the second word?
The word 'calfs' is not a word in English. It is a common mistake people make when typing the word 'calves'.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, the words 'calves' and 'calfs' have the same pronunciation. The 's' at the end of both words is silent.
What are common mistakes associated with words 'Calves,' 'Calfs'?
The most common mistake associated with the words 'calves' and 'calfs' is confusing the two. 'Calves' is the correct spelling and should be used when referring to the lower parts of the legs of two-legged animals. 'Calfs' is not a word and should be avoided.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. I saw three __________ grazing in the field.
2. He used a rope to tie up the __________.
3. The __________ kicked and struggled to get away.
4. The farmer milked the __________ every morning.
5. The __________ grew quickly and were soon sold.
6. The __________ were too heavy for him to lift.
1. Calves.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap in this sentence is calves. This is because calves is the plural form of the noun calf.
2. Calves.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap in this sentence is calves. This is because calves is the plural form of the noun calf.
3. Calves.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap in this sentence is calves. This is because calves is the plural form of the noun calf.
4. Calves.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap in this sentence is calves. This is because calves is the plural form of the noun calf.
5. Calves.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap in this sentence is calves. This is because calves is the plural form of the noun calf.
6. Calves.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap in this sentence is calves. This is because calves is the plural form of the noun calf.
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