Spoiled vs Spoilt
What’s the difference between them?

Spoiled means to have been ruined or damaged, usually through being treated with too much care or attention.
1. My little brother is so spoiled, he always gets whatever he wants.
2. The food was so spoiled that it made me feel sick.
3. The spoiled milk had a sour smell.
Meaning is the same, but such spelling is used in British English.
1. His parents have spoilt him by buying him whatever he wants.
2. The spoilt yoghurt had to be thrown away.
3. My father always spoilt me with treats when I was a child.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Indulged
2. Pampered
3. Overindulged
1. Indulged
2. Pampered
3. Overindulged
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Spoiled", "Spoilt".

1. 'Spoiled' is usually used in American English, while 'spoilt' is typically used in British English.
2. American spelling is similar to words like 'boiled,' 'oiled,' 'coiled.'
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word?
The word 'spoiled' is used in American English to describe something that has gone bad, decayed, or is no longer useful because of carelessness or neglect. For example, you might say that a piece of food has been spoiled if it has gone bad due to improper storage.
When to use the second word?
The word 'spoilt' is used in British English to describe something that has gone bad, decayed, or is no longer useful because of carelessness or neglect. For example, you might say that a piece of food has been spoilt if it has gone bad due to improper storage.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, both 'spoiled' and 'spoilt' are pronounced the same way: /spɔɪld/
What are common mistakes associated with words?'Spoiled', 'Spoilt'?
One common mistake is confusing the two words, as 'spoiled' is used in American English and 'spoilt' is used in British English. Another common mistake is misusing the word. For example, saying that someone is 'spoiled' when they are actually referring to a person who has been given too much and is overindulged.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The milk has _____ because it was left out of the fridge too long.
2. In the UK, you might hear someone say that the ending of the movie was _____ for them.
3. In the US, parents might be accused of having _____ their child if they never say no to them.
4. The picnic was _____ by the sudden rain.
5. He _____ his ballot paper, so his vote wasn’t counted.
6. The surprise was _____ when she accidentally found out about the party.
1. Answer: spoiled/spoilt.
Explanation: Both spoiled and spoilt can be used here as they both mean to impair or destroy the quality or value of something. Spoiled is more common in American English, while spoilt is more common in British English.
2. Answer: spoilt.
Explanation: Spoilt is the more common usage in British English, which is indicated by the reference to the UK. It means to impair the quality or appearance of something.
3. Answer: spoiled.
Explanation: Spoiled is the preferred usage in American English, which is indicated by the reference to the US. It means to harm the character of a child by being too lenient or indulgent.
4. Answer: spoiled/spoilt.
Explanation: Both spoiled and spoilt can be used here. Spoiled is typically used in American English, while spoilt is used in British English. Both words mean to impair the enjoyment or quality of something.
5. Answer: spoiled/spoilt.
Explanation: Both spoiled and spoilt can be used here. Spoiled is more common in American English, while spoilt is more common in British English. Both words mean to impair the quality or validity of something.
6. Answer: spoiled/spoilt.
Explanation: Both spoiled and spoilt are acceptable here. Spoiled is more commonly used in American English, while spoilt is more commonly used in British English. Both words mean to impair or reduce the enjoyment, quality, or value of something.
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