What part of speech is “cause”

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a 'cause' is used to describe a reason for a particular event or consequence, usually in a form of connection between or among people or events. In most cases, it is not tangible or material. It generally serves as the basis or origin of something from which an effect can take place.

1. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

2. Fighting for a worthy cause can be rewarding.

3. I'm constantly thinking about the underlying cause of my asthma.

in some cases, people may mistakenly use the term 'cause' to refer to something tangible that is the cause of something, such as a substance, event, or action. In such instances, it is better to say 'source,' 'agent,' or 'source of action' instead of 'cause' to avoid confusion.


the use of 'cause' as a verb is quite rare but can be used to signify to bring about, instigate, or prompt an event or consequence. In this usage, it is often followed directly by an event or consequence.

1. The news caused anger among students.

2. The heavy rainfall caused flooding in the area.

3. The dispute caused disruption in service.

avoid using the verb to refer to anything tangible, as mentioned above. Additionally, it is important to note that the verb cannot be used to talk about causing a person to do something, such as 'causing someone to be angry,' since it can sound accusatory or imply manipulating someone's emotions. In such cases, it is better to use phrases such as 'led to' or 'made someone feel x way' instead.


in informal contexts, 'cause' can be used as a contraction of 'because.' As such, it functions to introduce a reason or justification for something.

I didn't go to the party 'cause I was feeling sick.

She's upset 'cause you didn't call her back.

We decided to stay indoors 'cause it was raining heavily.

'cause' as a conjunction is informal and might not be suitable for formal writing or contexts. In more formal situations, 'because' is preferred. It's essential to differentiate between 'cause' as a noun or verb and its informal use as a conjunction. For instance, 'The cause of the fire is unknown' (noun) vs. 'I'm late 'cause I missed the bus' (conjunction). Some people might spell it as ''cause' (with an apostrophe) to indicate that it's a contraction of 'because.'

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