Burst vs Bursted
What’s the difference between them?

To break suddenly, often with great force.
1. The children let out a burst of laughter when they heard the joke.
2. The balloon burst when I accidentally sat on it.
3. We could hear a burst of gunfire coming from the other side of the street.
Misspelling of 'burst'.
no examples
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Explode
2. Erupt
3. Divulge
4. Detonate
5. Discharge Suddenly
1. Trickle
2. Subside
3. Crawl
4. Gradually Decrease
5. Ebb Away
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Burst", "Bursted".

1. Burst is the more common, standard form of the verb, while bursted is an archaic form.
2. Avoid archaic reforms since they aren't widely recognized in modern English.
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Frequently asked questions
When should the word 'Burst' be used?
Burst should be used to express an action where something rapidly and suddenly releases energy or breaks open. It can also be used to describe a sudden increase in an activity or sound.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'Bursted'?
Bursted is not a word and should be avoided.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, burst is pronounced /berst/, while bursted is pronounced /bersted/.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is confusing the two words. People often use 'bursted' instead of 'burst' which is incorrect.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The party ___________ into fits of laughter when the comedian cracked a joke.
2. She ___________ into tears as she watched her team lose the championship.
3. The burst pipe created a ___________ of water in the hallway.
4. The balloon ___________ when the child tried to blow it up too much.
5. He ___________ his way through the thick undergrowth.
6. The seam ___________ open as she tugged too hard on the zipper.
1. Burst
Explanation: The word burst implies a sudden and intense occurrence, which is the perfect description of the party erupting into laughter.
2. Burst
Explanation: The word burst implies a sudden and intense occurrence, which is the perfect description of the woman bursting into tears.
3. Burst
Explanation: The word burst implies a sudden and intense occurrence, which is the perfect description of the pipe burst causing a flow of water.
4. burst
Explanation: The word burst implies a sudden and intense occurrence, which is the perfect description of the balloon bursting from being blown up too much.
5. burst
Explanation: The word burst implies a sudden and intense occurrence, which is the perfect description of the person bursting through the undergrowth.
6. burst
Explanation: The word burst implies a sudden and intense occurrence, which is the perfect description of the seam bursting open from being tugged too hard.
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