Ingrained vs Engrained
What’s the difference between them?

Incapable of being removed or erased; firmly established.
1. His ingrained sense of responsibility stopped him from engaging in recklessly dangerous activities.
2. The ingrained prejudices of the time prevented her from achieving her goals.
3. Working hard is an ingrained habit for him and he is rarely seen taking breaks.
less popular variant of 'ingrained.'
1. His habits were so engrained that he could barely break them.
2. She had an engrained belief that wealth equaled success.
3. His engrained desire for independence drove him to succeed.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Deep-seated
2. Inculcated
3. Instilled
4. Imbued
5. Hardwired
1. Unlearned
2. Undeveloped
3. Unfamiliar
4. Unfixed
5. Not Habitual
1. Implanted
2. Inculcated
3. Instilled
4. Imbued
5. Deep-rooted
6. Hard-wired
7. Ingrained into the psyche
8. Deeply ingrained
9. Unshakeable
10. Innate
1. Unlearned
2. Unconditioned
3. Disconnected
4. Unrooted
5. Unestablished
6. Free-floating
7. Unhabitual
8. Not ingrained in one's mind
9. Not deeply embedded
10. Not deeply rooted
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Ingrained", "Engrained".

1. Ingrained and engrained are both are both adjectives that mean deeply embedded or firmly established.
2. There is no difference since both spelling are correct. 'Ingrained' is more popular spelling.
3. If you are in doubt, use 'Ingrained.'
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the word 'ingrained' be used?
Ingrained is typically used to refer to something that is deeply rooted or embedded in a person or thing, such as a habit or belief. For example, you might say 'I have an ingrained fear of public speaking' or 'Her ingrained sense of responsibility led her to pursue a career in public service.'
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'engrained'?
Engrained is typically used in a similar context as ingrained, but such spelling is less popular.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, the two words are pronounced identically: (in-grānd).
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
The most common mistake is confusing 'ingrained' and 'engrained' when writing them out. If you are in doubt, use 'ingrained' since this spelling is more popular.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. She had an __________ sense of right and wrong that was instilled in her from a young age.
2. He was a hard worker, with an __________ belief that success comes from dedication and effort.
3. The children were taught to respect their elders, an __________ trait in their culture.
4. He had an __________ idea that he could never fail at anything he put his mind to.
5. She had an __________ desire to please her parents no matter the cost.
6. It was an __________ belief that the only way to success was through higher education.
1. Ingrained/engrained
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
2. Ingrained/engrained
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
3. Ingrained/engrained
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
4. Ingrained/engrained
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
5. Ingrained/engrained
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
6. Ingrained/engrained
Explanation: both spellings are correct.
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