What part of speech is “beyond”

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Beyond can be used as a preposition to indicate movement to a higher level or greater distance. It can also be used to describe an extreme or intensification of something that goes beyond another specified thing or point.

it is used with nouns as an object to mean further from the specified point; it is used with verbs to describe movement to a higher, more distant, or more severe place or point; and it is typically used to link two places or points as being beyond a certain position.

1. 'They decided to go beyond the limits.'

2. 'He desperately needed to get beyond his fears.'

3. 'She felt the need to go beyond her comfort zone.'

It is important to remember to not use beyond when you are trying to say more than a specified number or amount. Additionally, when using beyond as a preposition, be aware that it should never be followed by an infinitive verb.


beyond can be used as an adverb to refer to the extent that something is greater than what is expected or usual. Its purpose is to explain an amount or degree that is further out than what is expected.

it is generally used to precede adjectives and participles; it is often used to describe a location outside or more distant than a specified point; and it typically conveys the idea of something being beyond what is expected or usual.

1. 'The academic achievement across the district goes beyond expectation.'

2. 'He felt a sense of freedom that went beyond.'

It is important to remember that beyond cannot replace more than, although it has a similar meaning. Additionally, it cannot be used in front of a noun or verb. Finally, beyond should not follow the word 'very' as 'very beyond' is not considered to be valid English.

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