Kiss vs Smooch
What’s the difference between them?

An act of showing affection or love, typically involving the touching of one's lips to the lips of another person.
1. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips.
2. She blew him a kiss as she left the room.
3. He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.
A smooch is a kiss, especially a passionate one.
1. My daughter loves to give her teddy bear smooches.
2. She planted a big smooch on his cheek.
3. He was embarrassed when his mom smooched him in front of his friends.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Smooch
2. Osculate
3. Peck
4. Embrace
5. Salute with a kiss
1. Reject
2. Slap
3. Shun
4. Repel
5. Ignore
1. Kiss
2. Embrace
3. Cuddle
4. Snog
5. Caress
1. Reject
2. Shun
3. Avoid
4. Abstain
5. Withdraw affection
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Kiss", "Smooch".

1. Kiss: A kiss is a physical gesture of affection, often expressed by touching lips together.
2. Smooch: A smooch is a more passionate kiss, usually accompanied by a hug.
3. Associate kiss with something simple and smooch with something very passionate.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the word 'Kiss' be used?
The word 'Kiss' is typically used to express affection. It can be used as an expression of love and care between family members, friends, and romantic partners. It can also be used in a non-romantic context to show appreciation or gratitude for someone’s efforts.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'Smooch'?
The word 'Smooch' is generally used in a romantic context to describe a passionate kiss. It is also used in a more lighthearted way to refer to a quick peck on the cheek or lips.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the word 'kiss' is pronounced as /kīs/, while 'smooch' is prononuced as /smuːtʃ/,
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Some people incorrectly use the word 'Kiss' when they intend to reference a 'Smooch'. Additionally, some people mix up the context in which these words should be used and inappropriately use 'Smooch' in a non-romantic setting.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. She gave him a big __ on the cheek.
2. We exchanged a friendly __ before saying goodbye.
3. She gave her daughter a soft __ on the forehead.
4. He __ed her on the lips passionately.
5. He gave her a __ goodbye as he left.
6. They __ed each other goodbye before he left.
1. She gave him a big Smooch on the cheek.
Explanation: Smooch is a more affectionate and tender form of kiss, which is perfect for the situation described since it is a big kiss on the cheek.
2. We exchanged a friendly Kiss before saying goodbye.
Explanation: Kiss is the more appropriate word for the situation since it is a friendly kiss that is not as affectionate or passionate as a smooch.
3. She gave her daughter a soft kiss on the forehead.
Explanation: Kiss is the more appropriate word for the situation since it is a soft kiss that is not as strong as a smooch, making it more suitable for the daughter.
4. He smooched her on the lips passionately.
Explanation: smooch is the more appropriate word for the situation since it is a passionate kiss on the lips, which requires more strength and intensity.
5. He gave her a kiss goodbye as he left.
Explanation: kiss is the more appropriate word for the situation since it is a goodbye kiss, which is not as strong or passionate, and requires more tenderness.
6. They Kissed each other goodbye before he left.
Explanation: Kiss is the more appropriate word for the situation since it is a goodbye kiss, which requires more strength and intensity than a smooch.
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