Protagonist vs Antagonist
What’s the difference between them?

The protagonist is the main character or leading figure in a story, play, film, or other narrative.
1. The protagonist in the story is a young girl who embarks on a magical adventure.
2. The protagonist in the movie is a brave soldier who saves his homeland.
3. The main protagonist of the novel is a wise old wizard who helps restore peace and harmony.
An antagonist is a person or a group of people who oppose or are hostile to someone or something, such as the protagonist of a story.
1. The novel's protagonist finds himself in a difficult situation, facing off against a formidable antagonist.
2. The antagonist of the movie schemed to ruin the hero's plans.
3. The story's main character must overcome the obstacles set forth by the antagonist in order to reach his goal.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
main character
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Protagonist", "Antagonist".

1. Remember that the protagonist is usually the hero of the story, while the antagonist is the one who stands in the hero's way.
2. Remember that prefix 'anti' stands AGAINST something, while prefix 'pro-' stands for something.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the word 'Protagonist'?
A protagonist is the main character in a story, and they are often the hero or heroine of the text. The protagonist will have a goal they are trying to achieve, and they may encounter several obstacles or antagonists throughout the story. It is important to note that a protagonist does not necessarily have to be a likable character.
When to use the word 'Antagonist'?
An antagonist is a character or force in a story that opposes the protagonist and is usually the major obstacle they must overcome. An antagonist can be a person, group of people, or even a natural force. The antagonist is often the 'bad guy' in the story, but they don’t always have to be.
Do the words 'Protagonist' and 'Antagonist' have the same pronunciation?
No, the words 'Protagonist' and 'Antagonist' have different pronunciations. 'Protagonist' is pronounced with a soft 'g' sound (pro-TAG-oh-nist) while 'Antagonist' is pronounced with a hard 'g' sound (an-TAG-oh-nist).
What are common mistakes associated with the words 'Protagonist' and 'Antagonist'?
One of the most common mistakes is confusing the roles of the protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is the main character in the story, and they must overcome the challenges posed by the antagonist.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The ___________ of the novel is a brave knight.
2. His arch-enemy, the ___________, is a powerful wizard.
3. The ___________ of the story has to overcome many obstacles.
4. The ___________ is determined to keep the hero from succeeding.
5. The ___________ must use all of his skills to defeat the villain.
6. The story follows the adventures of the courageous ___________.
1. Protagonist
Explanation: The protagonist of the novel is a brave knight. This refers to the main character of the story, who is typically the hero.
2. Antagonist
Explanation: His arch-enemy, the antagonist, is a powerful wizard. This refers to the main character that opposes the protagonist in the story, and often serves as the main villain.
3. Protagonist
Explanation: The protagonist of the story has to overcome many obstacles. This refers to the main character of the story, who will often face various challenges and obstacles in order to reach their goals.
4. Antagonist
Explanation: The antagonist is determined to keep the hero from succeeding. This refers to the main character opposing the protagonist, who is often determined to prevent the protagonist from achieving their goals.
5. Protagonist
Explanation: The protagonist must use all of his skills to defeat the villain. This refers to the main character, who must use their skills and abilities to outwit and defeat the antagonist in order to succeed.
6. Protagonist
Explanation: The story follows the adventures of the courageous protagonist. This refers to the main character of the story, who is often courageous and resourceful in order to achieve their goals.
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