Gage vs Gauge
What’s the difference between them?

Misspelling of the word “gauge.”
no examples
Gauge is a device that measures or compares physical quantity such as temperature, pressure, voltage, or flow.
1. We need to accurately gauge the amount of time needed to complete the project.
2. The pressure gauge on the boiler indicated it was dangerously close to the maximum level.
3. The new employee is a good judge of character and can quickly gauge a person's motivations.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Gage", "Gauge".

1. Gage is a common misspelling of 'gauge.'
2. Remember that the phrase: Great Artists Use Great Equipment. This phrase uses the initial letters of 'gauge' to create a memorable sentence, making it easier to recall the spelling of the word when needed.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word?
The word 'gage' is an archaic word that was used to define a down payment, or advance payment. It's not used in modern English.
When to use the second word?
The word 'gauge' is usually used as a noun to refer to a device that is used to measure or estimate a quality or quantity. It can also be used as a verb to refer to the act of estimating or measuring something.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, the words are pronounced the same as /geɪdʒ/. This makes a challenge for learners to remember correct spelling since the pronunciation is different from the letters used in the word 'gauge.'
What are common mistakes associated with words 'Gage', 'Gauge'?
One of the most common mistakes associated with these words is confusing the two. The words are not interchangeable and should be used according to their specific definitions. It’s also important to note the difference in the pronunciation as well. Another common mistake is misusing the words in a sentence. For example, you would not 'gage' a device, but you would 'gauge' it.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. Before starting the car, always check the fuel ___.
2. Can you ___ the mood of the crowd based on their reactions?
3. The device is used to ___ the thickness of the metal sheet.
4. Its difficult to ___ his sincerity just by his words.
5. The railway uses a standard ___ for its tracks.
6. Without proper data, its hard to ___ the success of the campaign.
1. gauge
Explanation: In this context, gauge refers to an instrument for measuring a specific quantity, like the amount of fuel in a vehicle.
2. gauge
Explanation: Here, gauge means to judge or estimate. The sentence is about assessing the mood of the crowd.
3. gauge
Explanation: The term gauge can refer to the act of measuring, especially in terms of thickness or distance. In this instance, the sentence speaks about a tool used to measure the thickness of metal.
4. gauge
Explanation: In this case, gauge is used in the sense of evaluating or judging someones sincerity.
5. gauge
Explanation: In the context of railways, gauge refers to the spacing of the tracks.
6. gauge
Explanation: This use of gauge pertains to the act of measuring or evaluating the success of something, in this case, a campaign.
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