Role Call vs Roll Call
What’s the difference between them?

Role Call
Incorrect usage of the phrase “roll call.”
no examples
Roll Call
Roll Call is a process of calling out the names of people in a group (such as students in a classroom, members of a committee, or soldiers in a military unit) to ensure that everyone is present.
1. The teacher asked us to stand for roll call.
2. The sergeant called out the roll call of soldiers to make sure everyone was accounted for.
3. The principal took roll call before the start of the assembly.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
Role Call
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
Roll Call
1. Attendance Check
2. Roster Check
3. Heads-up
4. Presentation of Names
5. Show of Hands
6. Response Call
7. Accountability Check
8. Summoning
9. Short Roll
1. Absenteeism
2. Silence
3. Opt-out
4. Ignoring
5. Refrain
6. Avoidance
7. Evasion
8. Refusal
9. Neglect
10. Withdrawal
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Role Call", "Roll Call".

1. Role Call: this is the common misspelling of 'roll call.'
2. Roll Call: Roll call is a situation in which the names of people in a group are called out.
3. To remember correct spelling, refer to the verb 'to roll.'
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Frequently asked questions
When should Role Call be used?
Role call is not a correct word or phrase, so it should be avoided in any contexts.
When is the appropriate context for using Roll Call?
Role call is typically used in formal settings when a list of people needs to be called out. It is typically used in business meetings, classrooms, or other organized gatherings to ensure everyone is present.
Do Role Call and Roll Call share the same pronunciation?
Yes, Role Call and Roll Call are pronounced the same way.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One of the most common mistakes people make when using these words is confusing them with each other. Because the two words have the same pronunciation, but only one of them is correct, it is important to be clear on which one is being used in a particular situation.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The teacher took ___________ at the start of the lesson to make sure everyone was present.
2. We had to answer our names loudly during the ___________ before class started.
3. After the ___________, the teacher began the lesson.
4. I was surprised by how loud everyone was during the ___________.
5. The first thing we did was a ___________ to check attendance.
6. All the students responded to their names during the ___________.
1. The teacher took Roll Call at the start of the lesson to make sure everyone was present.
Explanation: Roll Call is a term used to refer to the process of taking attendance, in which each persons name is called aloud to check their presence in the class.
2. We had to answer our names loudly during the Roll Call before class started.
Explanation: Roll Call is another term used to refer to the process of taking attendance, in which each persons name is called aloud to check their presence in the class.
3. After the Roll Call, the teacher began the lesson.
Explanation: Roll Call is a term used to refer to the process of taking attendance, in which each persons name is called aloud to check their presence in the class.
4. I was surprised by how loud everyone was during the Roll Call.
Explanation: Roll Call is another term used to refer to the process of taking attendance, in which each persons name is called aloud to check their presence in the class.
5. The first thing we did was a Roll Call to check attendance.
Explanation: Roll Call is a term used to refer to the process of taking attendance, in which each persons name is called aloud to check their presence in the class.
6. All the students responded to their names during the Roll Call.
Explanation: Roll Call is another term used to refer to the process of taking attendance, in which each persons name is called aloud to check their presence in the class.
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