Future Perfect Continuous Exercises
What is your motivation to learn English?Puedes elegir más de una opción
What is the Future Perfect Continuous tense used for?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
What is the structure of the Future Perfect Continuous tense?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
What is the example sentence for the Future Perfect Continuous tense?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
What is the negative form of the Future Perfect Continuous tense?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
What is the example sentence for the negative form of the Future Perfect Continuous tense?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
What is the question form of the Future Perfect Continuous tense?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
What is the example sentence for the question form of the Future Perfect Continuous tense?Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which of the following is in the future perfect continuous tense? Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Which of these is correct in the future perfect continuous tense? Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
Fill in the blank with the correct verb form: "By the end of the week, I _______ the project for two hours every day." Selecciona la respuesta correcta: