What is synonyms for additionally

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Refers to something more or extra that is added.

Synonyms of additionally


Strongest matches:

- furthermore

- moreover

- also

- in addition

- besides

- likewise

- plus

- to boot

Weak matches:

- also

- and

- plus


however, although, nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of that

Usage examples:

1. The new policy aims to reduce costs; additionally, it seeks to improve employee satisfaction.

2. He excelled in his coursework; additionally, he participated in several extracurricular activities.

3. The restaurant offers a variety of vegetarian options; additionally, they have gluten-free dishes.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another word that can be used in place of 'additionally' when wanting to add more information?

Furthermore is a great alternative to use when you wish to introduce additional information in a discussion or text. It serves the same purpose as 'additionally' by connecting thoughts in a seamless manner.

Can 'moreover' be used interchangeably with 'additionally'?

Yes, 'moreover' can be used interchangeably with 'additionally.' It is most effective when you want to emphasize the additional information being introduced, adding weight to the argument or point being made.

Is there a simpler synonym for 'additionally' that can be used in everyday conversation?

'Also' is a simpler synonym that fits well in everyday conversation. It introduces extra information in a straightforward manner, making it easy for listeners or readers to follow along.

What synonym for 'additionally' is best suited for formal writing or academic papers?

'In addition to' is particularly suited for formal writing or academic papers. It clearly indicates that the information following this phrase is supplementary to what has already been mentioned, maintaining the formal tone of the document.