What is synonyms for says

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A term used to indicate the act of expressing something in words.

Synonyms of says


Strongest matches:

- states

- declares

- mentions

- expresses

- utters

Weak matches:

- suggests

- remarks

- announces

- notes

- comments


denies, contradicts, refutes, rejects, disclaims, disavows, disputes, repudiates

Usage examples:

1. The teacher says we need to submit our assignments by the end of the week.

2. The sign at the park says 'Keep off the grass.

3. She always says that honesty is the best policy when it comes to friendships.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some formal synonyms for 'says' that can be used in academic writing?

Synonyms like 'states,' 'asserts,' 'articulates,' and 'claims' are suitable replacements that can add a layer of formality and specificity to your writing.

Are there any synonyms for 'says' that suggest a strong belief or argument?

Yes, when you want to imply a strong belief or argument, words like 'argues,' 'contends,' 'maintains,' and 'insists' can be very effective.

Are there some synonyms for 'says' that are appropriate for casual or informal communication?

In casual or informal contexts, such as conversations or less formal writing, synonyms like 'goes,' 'tells,' 'mentions,' and 'remarks' can offer a more relaxed tone.

What are some creative or expressive synonyms for 'says' to use in storytelling or creative writing?

Creative writing often benefits from expressive and vivid language to captivate the reader. Synonyms like 'whispers,' 'exclaims,' 'murmurs,' 'utters,' or 'declares' can add depth and emotion, helping to convey not just the message but also the mood, tone, and voice of the characters.