What is synonyms for and also

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and also

/ænd ˈɔlsoʊ/

Used to add another piece of information or emphasize an additional point.

Synonyms of and also


Strongest matches:

- and

- furthermore

- moreover

- plus

- additionally

Weak matches:

- as well as

- along with

- besides

- together with

- not to mention


Strongest matches:

- too

- likewise

- similarly

Weak matches:

- also

- then

- indeed


but, however, on the other hand, yet, instead

Usage examples:

1. She is an excellent singer, and also a talented dancer.

2. The recipe calls for flour, eggs, and also a pinch of salt.

3. He was tired from the long day at work, and also stressed about the upcoming deadline.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'and also'?

Common synonyms for 'and also' include 'in addition,' 'furthermore,' 'moreover,' and 'plus.'

Can 'as well as' be used interchangeably with 'and also'?

Yes, 'as well as' can often be used interchangeably with 'and also,' but it sometimes implies a slight emphasis on the importance or relevance of the additional item.

Is there a difference between using 'besides' and 'and also'?

While both can be used to add information, 'besides' often implies an addition that may be more of an afterthought or an extra piece of information, whereas 'and also' simply adds to the list of items or facts previously mentioned without implying any order of importance.

In formal writing, which synonym for 'and also' is preferred?

In formal writing, terms like 'furthermore,' 'moreover,' and 'in addition' are preferred as they are more formal and can make the text flow better, especially in academic or professional documents.