What is synonyms for confessedly

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By open admission or acknowledgment.

Synonyms of confessedly


Strongest matches:

- admittedly

- openly

- avowedly

Weak matches:

- indeed

- certainly

- undeniably


deniably, disputably, questionably, arguably, dubiously

Usage examples:

1. The politician confessedly admitted to the mistake, acknowledging the error in front of the media with a tone of sincerity.

2. Confessedly, she had never been a fan of horror movies, always preferring the lighter, more comedic genres.

3. In his memoirs, the artist confessedly revealed that his most celebrated painting was inspired by a dream.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'confessedly'?

Common synonyms for 'confessedly' include 'admittedly,' 'undeniably,' 'unquestionably,' and 'indubitably.' Each of these words can be used to express agreement or acknowledgment of a fact or situation, often with a sense of reluctance or acceptance of fault.

Can 'overtly' be considered a synonym for 'confessedly'?

No, 'overtly' is not a direct synonym for 'confessedly.' While 'confessedly' implies an acknowledgment or admission, often of something reluctant or negative, 'overtly' refers to something done or displayed openly, without hiding it. The focus of 'overtly' is more on the manner of display rather than the act of admitting or confessing.

Is there a difference in usage between 'confessedly' and 'undeniably'?

Yes, there is a subtle difference. 'Confessedly' specifically implies that something is being admitted, often with a sense of personal acknowledgment of a fact or fault. 'Undeniably,' on the other hand, emphasizes the undeniable truth of a fact or statement, without necessarily implying that there is an admission or confession involved. 'Undeniably' is used to state that something is irrefutably true, regardless of personal admissions.

How can I use 'confessedly' in a sentence to reflect its meaning accurately?

You can use 'confessedly' in a sentence where someone is acknowledging or admitting something, often with a sense of reluctance or acceptance of a fault. For example: 'Confessedly, I was wrong to make that assumption without all the facts.' This sentence accurately reflects the meaning of 'confessedly' as it conveys an admission of error or fault.