What is synonyms for focus

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Concentration of attention or energy on something.

Synonyms of focus


As in concentration or attention

Strongest matches:

- concentration

- attention

- emphasis

Weak matches:

- spotlight

- center

- heart


As in central point

Strongest matches:

- epicenter

- hub

- core

Weak matches:

- nucleus

- centerpiece

- pivot


As in to concentrate or direct attention

Strongest matches:

- concentrate

- prioritize

- emphasize

Weak matches:

- spotlight

- highlight

- center


As in to adjust clarity

Strongest matches:

- sharpen

- adjust

- tune

Weak matches:

- calibrate

- align

- refine


scatter, ignore, neglect, overlook, divert, distract

Usage examples:

1. During the photography workshop, the instructor emphasized the importance of adjusting the camera's focus to ensure the subject of the photo is sharp and clear.

2. In the bustling office environment, she found it difficult to maintain her focus on the task at hand due to the constant interruptions.

3. The teacher's focus on interactive learning methods significantly improved the students' engagement and understanding of the material.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'focus' that implies concentration on a specific task?

A common synonym for 'focus' in this context is 'concentrate.' It indicates directing your attention or effort on a particular task or activity without distraction.

Which synonym for 'focus' is best used in a photography or visual context?

In photography or visual contexts, 'zoom in' is often used as a synonym for 'focus.' It suggests adjusting the camera or one’s attention to a smaller part of the scene to capture or examine details more closely.

Is there a synonym for 'focus' that can also imply a broader, more strategic level of attention?

Yes, 'prioritize' can serve as a synonym in contexts where 'focus' means to organize tasks, resources, or attention according to their importance. It suggests selecting what is most important to concentrate on at a strategic level.

Can you provide a synonym for 'focus' that is suitable for academic or intellectual contexts?

'Delve into' is a suitable synonym for 'focus' in academic or intellectual contexts. It means to investigate deeply or thoroughly into a subject or topic of interest.