What is synonyms for bring under control

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bring under control

/ˈbrɪŋ ˌʌndər kənˈtroʊl/

To gain mastery or command over a situation or entity.

Synonyms of bring under control


Strongest matches:

- subdue

- master

- tame

- suppress

Weak matches:

- manage

- regulate

- govern

- restrict


Strongest matches:

- suppression

- mastery

- subjugation

- domination

Weak matches:

- regulation

- management

- governance

- oversight


release, liberate, free, let go, unleash, loosen, deregulate, emancipate

Usage examples:

1. The firefighters worked tirelessly to bring the raging wildfire under control.

2. The government implemented strict measures to bring the spread of the virus under control.

3. After hours of negotiation, the police were finally able to bring the situation under control and ensure everyone's safety.

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Frequently asked questions

What does 'subdue' mean in the context of bringing something under control?

'Subdue' refers to the act of bringing a situation, person, or group under control through force or persuasion, often to calm or quieten a potentially volatile situation. It suggests a reduction of intensity or power, making something less dangerous or rebellious.

How does 'tame' compare to 'bring under control'?

'Tame' specifically implies the process of making something wild or unruly (such as an animal or a natural force) gentle, manageable, or controlled. It can be used metaphorically to describe reducing the fierceness or independence of something or someone, making it similar to 'bring under control' but with a nuance of gentleness or domestication.

Can 'quell' be used interchangeably with 'bring under control'?

Yes, 'quell' can be used interchangeably with 'bring under control' in many contexts. 'Quell' means to thoroughly suppress or put an end to something, such as a rebellion, noise, or other disturbance. It conveys a sense of forcefully overcoming resistance to restore order.

Is 'restrain' a synonym for 'bring under control'?

'Restrain' is indeed a synonym for 'bring under control,' focusing on the action of holding back, limiting, or controlling someone or something's actions or movements. While it shares similarities with 'bring under control,' 'restrain' often implies physical or legal constraints, whereas 'bring under control' can be broader, including psychological, emotional, or strategic aspects of control.